宋代 张镃 Zhang Zi  宋代  
霜节堂 frost Festival Hall
霜橘 Orange Cream
谁谓 Who is that
水边 waterfront
水阁即事二首 waterside pavilion That thing 2
水蕉 Water Banana
水仙花 daffodil
水栀 Shui Zhi
水栀 Shui Zhi
睡起述兴 Shui Qi Above Xing
四月上澣日同寮约游西湖十绝 April Best day at about the same Laos Swim the west lake 10 must
四月上澣日同寮约游西湖十绝 April Best day at about the same Laos Swim the west lake 10 must
四月上澣日同寮约游西湖十绝 April Best day at about the same Laos Swim the west lake 10 must
四月上澣日同寮约游西湖十绝 April Best day at about the same Laos Swim the west lake 10 must
四月上澣日同寮约游西湖十绝 April Best day at about the same Laos Swim the west lake 10 must
四月上澣日同寮约游西湖十绝 April Best day at about the same Laos Swim the west lake 10 must
四月上澣日同寮约游西湖十绝 April Best day at about the same Laos Swim the west lake 10 must
四月上澣日同寮约游西湖十绝 April Best day at about the same Laos Swim the west lake 10 must
四月上澣日同寮约游西湖十绝 April Best day at about the same Laos Swim the west lake 10 must
四月上澣日同寮约游西湖十绝 April Best day at about the same Laos Swim the west lake 10 must
送陈同父 Father sent Chen
送绰上人归后庵 Send Chuo Buddhist monk Um, after return
送鹤还建康章德茂侍郎因成两诗 Crane also sent Jiankang Jhang Demao Assistant minister Into two poems by
古诗 ancient style poetry


