立春日访梅裴氏园 Establish spring Visit mei Petri Park Garden
立秋后一日池上杂兴 The beginning of autumn (13th solar term) rear Day Ikegami Miscellaneous Xing
丽秋花 beautiful Autumn Flowers
连朝 Even North Korea
连日雪未能多曾远逸见惠二首遵欧苏律禁体物语及用故事走笔次韵 Sullivan legal ban and use of body Narrative write rapidly write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
连日雪未能多曾远逸见惠二首遵欧苏律禁体物语及用故事走笔次韵 Sullivan legal ban and use of body Narrative write rapidly write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
灵源精舍小憩旧名龙泉有古井极甘洌 Soul source Teaching room Take five Old Name Longquan A very old well , Sweet
灵芝寺避暑因携茶具汎湖共成十绝 Ganoderma temple Summer For carrying Service Pan Lake were never into the 10