宋代 杨亿 Yang Yi  宋代   (974~1020)
吴待问之蒙城簿 Wu Mengcheng book to be asked of
吴航赴宜与簿 Hang Wu Yi and the book went to
戊申年七夕五绝 The forty fifth of the sexagesimall year The seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the cowherd and the weaver maid meet in heaven) poem of four lines having five characters to each line
戊申年七夕五绝 The forty fifth of the sexagesimall year The seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the cowherd and the weaver maid meet in heaven) poem of four lines having five characters to each line
戊申年七夕五绝 The forty fifth of the sexagesimall year The seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the cowherd and the weaver maid meet in heaven) poem of four lines having five characters to each line
夕阳 evening glow
喜王虞部赐进士及第 Hi Wangyubuci A successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations pass an imperial examination
戏赠颍州万寿尉吴待问 Xi zeng Yingzhou City Wanshou Yuwudaiwen
咸平六年二月十八日扈從宸游因成纪事二十二韵 Xianping Six February the number 18 daily Equipage Emperor on tour mourn for Cheng ji accident Score 2 rhyme
信道人归西京 Channel Human Go west capital
行次颍州值雨留驻数日因贻郡守秘阁刁公 Line times Yingzhou City Value of rain Reside Days for public Diao Yi Mayor Mige
休沐端居有怀希圣少卿学士 Hugh Mu Hashii Are pregnant XiSheng Shaoqing bachelor
休沐述怀寄秘阁钱少卿 Hugh Mu Huai above Send Mige money Shaoqing
许洞归吴中 Xu dong return Wuzhong
宣曲二十二韵 Xuan Qu Score 2 rhyme
宣召赴龙图阁观太宗御书应製 View Xuanzhao go Lung To Court The second empiror since founding of a country books offered to the emperor for reading write poem according to the emperor's order
晏殊奉礼归宁 Yan shu Feng Li mothering
杨日华宰钱塘 poplar Corona butcher Qiantang
古诗 ancient style poetry


