宋代 陈与义 Chen Yuyi  宋代   (1090~1138)
墨戏二首·蕙 Ink Game 2 LOH
某蒙示咏家弟所撰班史属辞长句三叹之余辄用元韵以示家弟谨布师席 Written by Moumengshiyong Jia Di Course history An address Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line Deep sighs and regrets (over an unhappy experience, tragic accidents, etc.) While to frequently used to show that Jia Di Yuan Yun teachers like
某以雨有嘉应遂占有秋辄採用家弟韵赋二绝句少赀勤恤之诚也 To rain then there is a Jiaying Absorb Qiu Zhe Adopt Jia Di Yun Fu 2 Quatrains Qin Cheng-shirt for less cheap, too
某用家弟韵赋绝句上浼清视芜词累句非敢以为诗也愿赐一言卒相之 A rhyme with Jia Di Fu Quatrains On Meiqingshiwu words Leijufeigan Conceive Poetry is also willing to give To reach a binding agreement verbally Death phase of
牡丹 peony
难老堂周元翁家 Tong Zhou Yuan Weng hard old
年华 time
偶成古调十六韵上呈判府兼赠刘兴州 Even as Ancient tune--anachronistic Caroche Yunshangchengpan government and state grants Xing
陪粹翁举酒於君子亭下海棠方开 Peicuiwengju wine in Gentleman booth Plunge into the commercial sea Tong Fang Open
陪诸公登南楼啜新茶家弟出建除体诗诸公既和余因次韵 Accompany gentlemen Teng South tower sip New tea Jia Di a building addition to the gentlemen in both poetry and I for write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
盆池 Basin Pond
棋 chess
钱东之教授惠泽州吕道人砚为赋长句 East of money Professor Kindness State of Lu A respectful form of address for a taoist priest Fu Yan was Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line
清明 sober and calm
清明二绝 Sober and calm 2 must
清明二绝 Sober and calm 2 must
秋日 Autumn
秋日客思 Autumn Customers think
古诗 ancient style poetry


