唐代 韦应物 Wei Yingwu  唐代   (737~792)
因省风俗,访道士侄不见,题壁 For Province Custom Interview road Shi nephew Vanish write on the wall
有所思 have one's thoughts
暮相思 dusk lovesickness
夏夜忆卢嵩 Summer Night Song-Yi Lu
春思 Spring Thinking
春中忆元二 Chun-Yi Yuan in the second
怀素友子西 Huai su Tomoko West
对韩少尹所赠砚有怀 Shao Yin Yan Han a gift on a pregnant
月晦忆去年与亲友曲水游宴 Yi-month night Yesteryear AND Relatives and friends Qushui Banquet
清明日忆诸弟 Clear tomorrow Yi 诸弟
池上怀王卿 Ikegami Huai WANG Qing
立夏日忆京师诸弟 Beginning of summer Day Yi Capital (of a country) Zhu Di
晓至园中忆诸弟、崔都水 Xiao-to Garden Cui Yi Zhu Di had water
怀琅琊、深标二释子 Huai Langya deep sub-standard 2 Release
云阳馆怀谷口 Huai Taniguchi Yunyang Museum
忆沣上幽居 Yi Feng on live in seclusion
重九登滁城楼忆前岁九日归沣上赴崔都水及诸…凄然怀旧 The double ninth festival (9th day of the 9th lunar month) Teng Chu City gate tower Recalling former years The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Guifengshangfu all water Ji Zhu Cui Cold nostalgia
始夏南园思旧里 Before summer squashes Park To remember old times Village Village
登蒲塘驿沿路见泉谷村墅忽想京师旧居追怀昔年 Dengputangyi All the way See Spring Gu village Villa suddenly want to Capital (of a country) Old home Bring to mind in former years
经函谷关 The Hangu Pass
经武功旧宅 trans- Military merits former residence
往云门郊居途经回流作 go Yun men Country home Via Backwash work
乘月过西郊渡 By month over the western suburbs of transition
古诗 ancient style poetry




【资料来源】 卷190_67
