元代 方回 Fang Hui  元代   (1227~1305)
zhào bīn yáng táng shī shàn jiàn yǒng jīn chéng wàng yùn shǒu Zhao Bin Yang and Chung Tang see good teachers Golden city hope Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words 5
zhào bīn yáng táng shī shàn jiàn yǒng jīn chéng wàng yùn shǒu Zhao Bin Yang and Chung Tang see good teachers Golden city hope Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words 5
zhào shì mào shān shū yuàn shī Zhao state Maoshan College poem
zhè yuán yuàn
zhēn dìng jiào shòu quán jūn dīng hài yuè shí 'èr shí shēng yáng sǒu fāng huí dīng hài yuè shí
zhēngyuè chū 'èr qíng guò cháng zhōu The first month of the lunar year Second day of Qing Guo Changzhou
zhēngyuè chū jiāng wèi yǐn shì xián zhái xiàng guǒ shì diàn The first month of the lunar year seventh day Day as Jiangxi By Wei Yin Yin Wu style speech to the fruit market house accommodation Store
zhēngyuè chū sān shuǐ The first month of the lunar year three days of West Temple on the water
zhēngyuè chū hòu shí bìng sòu néng chū shū shí shǒu The first month of the lunar year Fourth day after the Shi Yuri disease cough Cannot 10 out of miscellaneous books
zhēngyuè chū hòu shí bìng sòu néng chū shū shí shǒu The first month of the lunar year Fourth day after the Shi Yuri disease cough Cannot 10 out of miscellaneous books
zhēngyuè chū hòu shí bìng sòu néng chū shū shí shǒu The first month of the lunar year Fourth day after the Shi Yuri disease cough Cannot 10 out of miscellaneous books
zhēngyuè chū hòu shí bìng sòu néng chū shū shí shǒu The first month of the lunar year Fourth day after the Shi Yuri disease cough Cannot 10 out of miscellaneous books
zhēngyuè chū hòu shí bìng sòu néng chū shū shí shǒu The first month of the lunar year Fourth day after the Shi Yuri disease cough Cannot 10 out of miscellaneous books
zhēngyuè chū hòu shí bìng sòu néng chū shū shí shǒu The first month of the lunar year Fourth day after the Shi Yuri disease cough Cannot 10 out of miscellaneous books
zhēngyuè chū hòu shí bìng sòu néng chū shū shí shǒu The first month of the lunar year Fourth day after the Shi Yuri disease cough Cannot 10 out of miscellaneous books
zhēngyuè chū hòu shí bìng sòu néng chū shū shí shǒu The first month of the lunar year Fourth day after the Shi Yuri disease cough Cannot 10 out of miscellaneous books
zhēngyuè chū hòu shí bìng sòu néng chū shū shí shǒu The first month of the lunar year Fourth day after the Shi Yuri disease cough Cannot 10 out of miscellaneous books
zhēngyuè chū hòu shí bìng sòu néng chū shū shí shǒu The first month of the lunar year Fourth day after the Shi Yuri disease cough Cannot 10 out of miscellaneous books
zhēngyuè 'èr shí 'ǒu the first month of the lunar year Twenty-one daily Dual problem
zhēngyuè lián the first month of the lunar year With rain
zhēngyuè sān chūn The first month of the lunar year Three days the Beginning of Spring
zhēngyuè shí jiǔ gèng zhū wén gōng nián zhì tiān míng shí 'èr shǒu s life extremely Extremely big Ming Fu Troubadour head
zhēngyuè shí jiǔ gèng zhū wén gōng nián zhì tiān míng shí 'èr shǒu s life extremely Extremely big Ming Fu Troubadour head
zhēngyuè shí jiǔ gèng zhū wén gōng nián zhì tiān míng shí 'èr shǒu s life extremely Extremely big Ming Fu Troubadour head
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
zhào bīn yáng táng shī shàn jiàn yǒng jīn chéng wàng yùn shǒu


  zhù rén xié shīsān shí nián shùn chí
   shàng xiǎng chuán xíng chù shū chōng xuě tàn méi shí
   xiàngjūn bào niú huǐjīng zhào kòngyú niǎo bēi
