唐代 李乂 Li Yi  唐代  
奉和初春幸太平公主南庄应制 Feng and The first month of spring favour Peace Archduchess Green Fields write poem according to the emperor's order
兴庆池侍宴应制 Chi Shi Yan Xingqing write poem according to the emperor's order
侍宴安乐公主山庄应制 serve Feel happy and contented (surname) Archduchess Village write poem according to the emperor's order
人日重宴大明宫恩赐彩缕人胜应制 Man-days re-feast Ming dynasty Gong yan obliged Color thread Who wins write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和晦日幸昆明池应制 Feng and Misoka favour Kunming cistern write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和幸长安故城未央宫应制 Feng and favour Chang'an Old city Not ended palace write poem according to the emperor's order
陪幸韦嗣立山庄应制(一作宋之问诗) Fortunately, accompanied wei sili village write poem according to the emperor's order 1 for song zhiwen poem
奉和幸望春宫送朔方军大总管张仁亶 Feng and Xing wang Porno accompany North Junda Agent Zhangrendan
奉和幸三会寺应制 Feng and Fortunately, the three will be Temple write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和幸大荐福寺(寺即中宗旧宅) Feng and fortunately, large jianfu Temple is in the case former residence
夏日都门送司马员外逸客孙员外佺北征 Summertime All doors accompany Minister of war in ancient china Ministry councillor Sun Yat-off Ministry councillor immortal North levy
元日恩赐柏叶应制(景龙四年) Mongol Benediction Kashiwaba Write poem according to the emperor's order Jing Long quadrennium
奉和三日祓禊渭滨 Feng and Three days Fuxi Weibin
奉和幸韦嗣立山庄侍宴应制 Feng and favour Wei sili Village Shi Yan write poem according to the emperor's order
侍宴安乐公主新宅应制 serve Feel happy and contented (surname) Archduchess New home write poem according to the emperor's order
饯唐永昌 Preserves Tang Yongchang
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷92_23
