折杨柳七首(第一、二、四首一作王贞白诗) Break poplar and willow 7 Chiefly 24 1 for Wang zhenbai poem
哭李群玉 cry Li Qunyu
汉宫词二首 Chinese Palace lyrics 2
和周繇见嘲(一作和周为宪广阳公宴见嘲诗) and Zhou yao See ridicule a week for the constitution to make, and Yang Guang To honor a celebrity at a dinner party or luncheon hosted by a club, government See ridicule Poetry
和张希复咏宣律和尚袈裟 and Zhang xifu Yong Xuan Law Bonze stole
句 sentence
游长安诸寺联句·靖恭坊大兴善寺·老松青桐联二…绝句 swim Chang'an Zhu Temple Joint sentences Christine Fang Jing Go in for large-scale construction shan temple Old Song Qingtong Contact 2 Quatrains
游长安诸寺联句·靖恭坊大兴善寺·蛤像联二十字绝句 Swim chang'an zhu temple joint sentences Christine Fang Jing Go in for large-scale construction shan temple Clams as couplet Score word Quatrains
游长安诸寺联句·长乐坊安国寺·穗柏联句 Swim chang'an zhu temple joint sentences Changle Square Ankokuji Bai Sui joint sentences
游长安诸寺联句·长乐坊安国寺·题璘公院 Swim chang'an zhu temple joint sentences Changle Square Ankokuji Public hospital problem Lin
游长安诸寺联句·常乐坊赵景公寺·吴画联句 Swim chang'an zhu temple joint sentences Band Zhaojing Gong Wu Chang Temple painting joint sentences
游长安诸寺联句·常乐坊赵景公寺·题约公院 Swim chang'an zhu temple joint sentences Changle Temple Square Zhao Jinggong question is about the public hospital
游长安诸寺联句·大同坊云华寺·偶联句 Swim chang'an zhu temple joint sentences Great harmony,the confucian ideal of perfect society Dual Wan Wah Temple Square joint sentences
游长安诸寺联句·平康坊菩萨寺·书事联句 Swim chang'an zhu temple joint sentences A brothel lane Buddha temple Book thing joint sentences
游长安诸寺联句·光宅坊光宅寺·中禅师影堂联句 Swim chang'an zhu temple joint sentences Light house lane Temple of light house within Honorific title for a buddhist monk Shadows joint sentences
游长安诸寺联句·翊善坊保寿寺·光天帧赞联句 Swim chang'an zhu temple joint sentences Paul Ting Yi Shan Temple Square photo frame favor day joint sentences
游长安诸寺联句·宣阳坊静域寺·三阶院联句 Swim chang'an zhu temple joint sentences Static field declared yangfang Temple Court Order joint sentences
游长安诸寺联句·崇义坊招福院·赠诸上人联句 Swim chang'an zhu temple joint sentences Chongyi Square To welcome and invite blessings Hospital donated all Buddhist monk joint sentences