唐代 李咸用 Li Xianyong  唐代  
妾薄命 concubine (usu
君子行 Gentleman line
銅雀臺 Dongjak Taiwan
婕妤怨 Ban Jieyu complain
悲哉行 How sad indeed OK
攜手麯 Join hands (with) bend
空城雀 Empty city bird
放歌行 expand a style of old Chinese poems
猛虎行 Tiger Line
關山月 Watching the mountains
覽友生古風 View sheng archaism
題友生叢竹 Question sheng Zhu Cong
石版 lithograph
江南麯 River one of the two forms operas inthe Yuan Dynasty
臨川逢陳百年 Linchuan Every Chen century
寄修睦上人 lodge at Xiu mu Buddhist monk
讀修睦上人歌篇 read Xiu mu Buddhist monk Song Posts
遠公亭牡丹 Yuan Gong Ting peony
謝僧寄茶 Xiesengjicha
送人 to see (or walk) someone home
古意論交 Interest and charm of antique taste On the cross
春風 vernal breezes
自愧 Ashamed
古詩 ancient style poetry



【資料來源】 644_25
