宋代 洪适 Hong Kuo  宋代   (1117~1184)
Panyu Tease
Yellow Dragon Dance sentence reduced
South Luzon sentence Bo mei dance
Yu jia ao casue
Yu jia ao casue
Yu jia ao casue
Yu jia ao casue
Yu jia ao casue
Yu jia ao casue
Yu jia ao casue Broken child
Yu jia ao casue Broken child
Partridge days Lee held the view times Send a rhyme
Child health check Lee received light day meeting held rhyme
Butterfly in Love
Jianzimu orchid Hong parent has completed Xiao ge Times the charm
the field [red] poppy
Divination operator Scholars Looking out gifts
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Panyu Tease

   Hong Kuo

Sentence Team / / Press Wuling points covered Xinjiang, said that the government of Panyu large; a case of passengers, see Number of high intelligence, Memorabilia Picks of the previous news, the degree of new words and repeat dance.
Palace played commercial delivery, make fun of admission.
Yang Xian / / yellow head voice B278B278 natural wood Bay.
Pik from the depths of non-smoking.
Jin Sui lint riding sheep enforcement, fast see floating five cents.
Who vacated the old copper tiger.
Jiarui before burning to the ancient name.
Immortal Chishi will come again, rule-line today the southern soil.
Southern soil.
Yin Bronze Tiger.
Teng Huang Wan Tau Mu good language.
Executive Sui five gods riding sheep.
Angry and brave Mojianzhengdu.
Warriors rule the line this still ancient.
Jiarui spread dynasty.
Drug Island / / South Sinology Feixianguan rumors.
Drug Name Island battlements refining side.
Destroyed without a trace cold furnace stoves, ancient Xian Hua excluding years.
However, Yu Jiuyao cliff rock.
Bi Yi Zhan days begins to perish.
Cai Song Fang column bridge painting booths, a long one for cold food with the state.
Cold Food.
People such as weaving.
Luo drink Archaeology by grass seats.
Sen Shuangji spring with legs.
Cheers filled with gas.
Island kitchen into a thing of the past side of medicine.
Yao caress nine stone.
Seamount House / / hundred feet tall near Yan city.
Treasures clear brush sleeve of a robe Phi lapel.
Shan Zhao Yu cage clouds acute Haitao evening tide shore invasion of Health.
Phase front of the building drums and flute.
Ji Ji owned Qiangpaijituo.
Mussels clams to be honest official letter back, hope all goods on Zhongshan plot.
Goods on.
Return sail past.
Flute and drums accordingly.
Front of the high waves toss the wind lift.
Fishing sings Shanzuo.
Huchuang on the invitation of Qingyun broken.
Yu Chen, Block scared about flying.
Jasminum Lane / / assign the petals southern Informatics.
Jasminum unparalleled sound of price alone.
Gui can be compared to the unknown toad, not a human vegetation fragrant.
Light silk knot core EPI ear.
Ying Bao Ruiyun a bun.
Journal of bone water deer as clothing, left three smoked Yiming Shi Fu.
Name the world.
Flowers goes.
She put the end of high profits dip.
Rui Lian-Fang Su wire strands.
Cloud Sheng-bao bun.
Shen fine crumbs crushed muscle musk.
Fu smoked deliberately left the word.
Korean and Chinese Taiwan / / Panyu Wei Tuo Di anger arm.
Yuanquwangren Luda Fu.
Only a word back to stubborn to reverse this trend EA2E Results for lapel train.
Owned by the daughter of the sack has been implemented.
Tilt toward the center than the Kwai Han hopane.
Abrupt cut the high-profile stars, and future generations playing music board.
Biography masterpiece.
Open sea view cover Jing Court buildings.
Qixia Flying Green oil screen.
Good board, seize the day.
Hopane was tilting toward the Chinese and the heart.
Chang castle monopoly.
Bath at Pavilion / / Fu Ming Xu Southern controlled the mouth.
Who built Citing chisel jian.
Que Yue Pui dragon bow peep, vision, Asahi rose hibiscus.
Atlas mirage misty occasion.
Bin Peng-wing turn by wind.
Penglai is not expected to be amiable, Andhra boat Ling Weak water.
Weak water.
Days of sight.
Xu know in a few compared Qufu.
High-Ting Wang Yang Wu from the East.
Gao Gao, the early morning light wash.
Penglai Yu Wang Ning-free dollars.
Mi Tianpeng wings to show.
Pu Jian / / sound of the ancient stream springs prodigiously.
Calamus multilevel pm Green.
An Xiao on riding a crane to Dan, the eternal legend of this city.
Danzao grotto still remain.
Tao Zhu Wonderland Hill do not.
Song off the first month in mid-sweep, flying cover Fashion Awards Festival.
Early spring months.
Allure respect ZU flying column cover.
On North Korea Jinque of riding a crane.
Danzao minutes remaining caves.
Qin Zhuo mountain flowers smile.
Temple Temple desolate dummy.
Greed springs / / Arenga color dark banana fan.
Quan Shihmen in corruption.
A cup of it to make people change, everything is stunning Kim is intended.
Yi Qi Jin Shixian than animal husbandry.
Li discretionary transfer of water poem heart.
This only really good at clearing the deputy, to take spring day for drinking vessels.
Drinking vessels.
Greed springs.
Coombe Hill milk trickling like sweet wine.
Huai-Jin Bao addicted along.
Hard to wash in vain by the notoriety.
Very true end of the Qing the deputy.
Wu Jun is not so special beauty.
Chen Xiang Pu / / Yan District nations luxury scent.
D125 / / _set_ back a giant aircraft.
Who does not outlook for Fang Xin, Ning without a hidden trunk towel.
Shu Quan prefect back melon drink.
Search more loaded the boat did not go.
Ho Hui-yi from the slander made from aloes to vote at Fukaura.
Boat stopped at.
Lest the more mannerisms pollution.
Scent saw such as soil.
Cast the water go back.
Order back sooner or later toward the public.
Nothing left late Ming bow of ship.
Qingyuan Gap / / lumbar support on behalf of the difficult two-foot six.
Fog coming from the wind for DW clever makeup.
World is not like mountain music, living in Dixiang think of home.
Early break boats thousands of miles south.
Three lead a duck after a long absence.
Yuhuan keep augmented Acacia, come back to the Castle Peak Xiao moon.
Boat early break.
Re too scared after a long Three Gorges.
Yuhuan stay with the human said.
Results from the intestinal thousand poems strike.
Acacia Chaomu Nagareizumi pharynx.
Castle Peak mist never worry.
Broken sub-
South China Sea.
The most prosperous.
City Guoshan Chuan Xiong Ling outside.
Ka vertical traces of golden words.
Bamboo and Silk all classes in the.
Yuanrong good old new sound change.
Make fun of flowers before the detachment.
High Council.
Drinking Vessel Lei right.
Xiaoyan downy back to look forward gaze.
Dai sings eyebrow curved tread feast.
Luan Xiangfeng shock polymorphism.
Breeze without a buy.
Zuike Why not _set_ down.
Sent teams / / ten eyebrow blooming wavefront cross.
D74B sleeve return air song has become.
Ear wax paper floating purple flowers, May Lin Wu magpie twenty-three sound.
Dance only finally, the phase will be good to go.

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