唐代 顾非熊 Gu Feixiong  唐代  
Autumn Shan Zhou Road, for
trans- Hangzhou
The river
Feel real question Buddhist monk courtyard
Shi Yu Shu states do not pay
Yao yanshi Road Huai you A pregnant for Peach Rock Jia Dao
The milky w- Court to Court the matter ape cry
Summertime purpose Discipline tract Check house
accompany Hangzhou Yao (a surname) ministry councillor
accompany Ma dai to go to the mountain--to become a hermit
Accompany friend Pass an imperial examination return Suzhou (city)
lodge at Jiuhua mountain toll gleaning
Dongjak prostitutes
Early autumn Yu Xi
Tianjin Bridge Night looking
A moonlight night Teng Xian Tan Wangwu
Fail in an exam Xiao, after sitting
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Autumn Shan Zhou Road, for

   Gu Feixiong

Guke autumn wind, drove into the Shaanxi. Noon off River Road, the village soon chicken.
Shushi marked Qin Yuan, Yue-day form to the low. Who would have thought I surnamed, and from the habitat from the habitat.

【Source】 卷509_1

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