唐代 韩常侍 Han Changshi  唐代  
wéi shǐ xián mìng chū guān yàn dào zhōng kàn huá shān yòu shī act The censor Undertook a mission to eclipse Prison Road exit Presentability There is a poem Huashan
zhì jǐn piān xuē láng zhōngshí wéi juéxiè bìng guī shān) lodge at Baldachin Articles and Xue Physician trained in herb medicine When Buque Xie disease return to the mountain
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
wéi shǐ xián mìng chū guān yàn dào zhōng kàn huá shān yòu shī


   méng xiàng zàn xīn jīng 'ōu jiǎo hài
   hǎo shān bàn kànduàn cháng yān jǐng yuán

【zīliàoláiyuán】 juàn 783_5
