唐代 李华 Li Hua  唐代  
xiānghè · cháng mén yuàn In proper proportion Songs Nagato complain
shī liù shǒu Miscellaneous Poems 6
yǒng shǐ shí shǒu Yong shi decade a (poem)
yún quán shī Glimmer Spring Poetry
zhào shì Send Zhao Shi Yu 7
xiān yóu yòu lóng tán xuénòng ) Xianyou Temple Have vauclusian spring aperture Nong yu ancestral hall
chūn yóu yín Spring outing chant
fèng shǐ shuò fāngzèng guō Ancient Korea North Guo gifts title of the highest administrative commanding officer in border area
shàng shū táng sōng Shang shu All together Fimbriae Orostachys
hǎi shàng shēng míng yuè shì) Carriage by sea accrue Bright moon Section test
wǎn shàng suǒ Late Date Lake lodge at one's thoughts
fèng péng chéng gōng Send it Pengcheng Company
chūn xíng xīng Spring Bank to give vent to one's interest
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry


  yǎn bìng shēn bìng shēng bàn kōngtiáo tiáo qiān yuèyìng huì lián tóng

【zīliàoláiyuán】 juàn 153_12
