加拿大 玛格丽特·阿特伍德 Margaret Atwood  加拿大   (1939~?)
A Sad Child
A Visit
Backdropp Addresses Cowboy
Flying Inside Your Own Body
Helen of Troy Does Countertop Dancing
In the Secular Night
More and More
Morning in the Burned House
Night Poem
Sekhmet, the Lion-headed Goddess of War
Siren Song
The City Planners
The Landlady
The Moment
The Rest
The Shadow Voice
This is a Photograph of Me
shuì zhī biàn zòu Variation On The Word Sleep
duō shǒu yī yè
wài guó shī outland poetry
A Visit


  Gone are the days
  when you could walk on water.
  When you could walk.
  The days are gone.
  Only one day remains,
  the one you're in.
  The memory is no friend.
  It can only tell you
  what you no longer have:
  a left hand you can use,
  two feet that walk.
  All the brain's gadgets.
  Hello, hello.
  The one hand that still works
  grips, won't let go.
  That is not a train.
  There is no cricket.
  Let's not panic.
  Let's talk about axes,
  which kinds are good,
  the many names of wood.
  This is how to build
  a house, a boat, a tent.
  No use; the toolbox
  refuses to reveal its verbs;
  the rasp, the plane, the awl,
  revert to sullen metal.
  Do you recognize anything? I said.
  Anything familiar?
  Yes, you said. The bed.
  Better to watch the stream
  that flows across the floor
  and is made of sunlight,
  the forest made of shadows;
  better to watch the fireplace
  which is now a beach.
