宋代 程□必 Cheng Bi  宋代  
shuǐ diào tóu Shuidiaogetou
shuǐ diào tóu Shuidiaogetou
shuǐ diào tóu Shuidiaogetou
shuǐ diào tóudēng gān duō jǐng lóu wàng huái yòu gǎn) Shuidiaogetou Ascend kanroji View more building Wang Huai Thoughts
shuǐ diào tóu shù shòu
liù zhōu tóusòng xīn jià xuān
mǎn jiāng hónggōng gān shì rùn zhōng qiū) Azolla Gong Fuganshirun mid-autumn
mǎn jiāng hóngdēng shí tóu chéngguī yuè shēng
qìn yuán chūnbié chén zǒng shuài) Qinyuan Chun do President Chen Shuai
shòu zhāng mén ) Step function word,empty word Jiushouzhang Moji
qìn yuán chūnshòu wáng yùn shǐ
qìn yuán chūnshòu tōng pàn) Write your life (a surname) an official under county magistrate who administers lawsuit,etc.
qìn yuán chūn Patio Spring
qìn yuán chūn Patio Spring
qìn yuán chūn shǐ yòu gǎn) s poem Reading history to remember Thoughts
jǐn táng chūnliú chūn
zhōng tiānshòu qiū shū ) Kettle mediation Shou Qiu senator
zhú yǐng yáo hóngyuán xiāo
jīn ményòng zhào zhàng gān yùn) Ye golden gate Zhao account with Dry rhyme
shuǐ lóng yínshòu shàng shū) Shuilong yin Ting Li Shang Shu
qiān yīngbié chén xīn 'ēn) Xi ying move Biechenxin'en
qiān yīngshòu wén chāng) Xi ying move Ting Li Wenchang
qiān yīngshòu xuē shàng shū) Xi ying move Ting Xue Shang Shu
qiān yīngshòu xuē shū ) Xi ying move Ting Xue senator
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
xīn lángshòu duān míng


  xiù shǒu yún pàn
   kàn rén jiānfēn fēn shǔchù mán jiāo zhàn
   biàn jīn chuí dàiduō shǎo huáng diǎn kān
   suàn fēi hàn
   zhí tánguān bān zuògèng qīng chūnshǔdào suàn
   duàn xiān diàn
