唐代 孟云卿 Meng Yunqing  唐代  
xiānghè · wǎn In proper proportion Songs coronach
· bēi zāi xíng Potpourri Songs How sad indeed OK
· bié
· shēng bié
xíng xíng qiě yóu liè piān
wǎn ancient coronach
fàng xíng expand a style of old Chinese poems
shāng huái zèng rén Feel sad present decedent
chéng huái
shāng qíng condition of an injury
shāng shí 'èr shǒu zuò sòng jiāo
tián yuán guān jiān qíng hòu zuò
biàn fēng Name of a river in henan river Wind resistance
xíng nán Passerby adversity
zhōng yǒu rén
hán shí Cold Food
xīn 'ān jiāng shàng chù shì Xinan river The Send Department disabilities
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
biàn fēng


  qīng chén liáng sòngguà zhī chǔ jīngchū fēng jiàn 'èbàng tān zhōu héng
   pēn dōng zhùqún dòng jiē yǎo míngbái lóng hēi yún niú xíng
   cāng máng suǒ shìwēi 'ān zàn níngxìn tiān
nèishú wéi shēn mìng qīng
   zhàng gǒu wèi suǒ xiàng cún chéngqián shè zhōu dōng nán réng xiǎo qíng

【zīliàoláiyuán】 juàn 157_12
