唐代 张辞 Zhang Ci  唐代  
rén yòu huǒ yào shù wéi shì zhě shěn zhīmìng ) Write on the wall People have to Fire Drug operation To do Speech prevails for those who _Set_ pen to paper Title of their wall
shàng yán chéng lìng shù shī ascending Yancheng Lingshudeshi
xiè lìng xué dào shī School Road, Shi Xie Order
bié lìng shī
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
bié lìng shī


  zhāng zhāng huìtiān xià jīng shū zài nèi
   shēn téng téng chǔshì jiānxīn xiāo yáo chū tiān wài

【zīliàoláiyuán】 juàn 861_8
