萬年歡 Everlasting Joy
水調歌頭(竜帥宴王公明) Shuidiaogetou Long Yan Shuai Princes bright
水調歌頭(癸卯信豐送春) Shuidiaogetou Mao Xinfeng Chun sent
水調歌頭(戊申春陵用舊韻賦二詞呈族守德遠) Shuidiaogetou The forty fifth of the sexagesimall Chun Ling Outwear Yun Shou-Fu 2 family of German words were far
水調歌頭 Shuidiaogetou
水調歌頭(和石林韻) Shuidiaogetou and Hoodoos charm
水調歌頭(丁已長沙壽王樞使) Shuidiaogetou Ding has been Changsha municipality birthday Wang shu employ
滿江紅(甲午豫章和李思永) Azolla Sino-Japanese Tree or camphor tree And Lee See-young
滿江紅(辛醜赴信豐,舟行贛石中) Azolla Boxer went Xinfeng Boat Gan rock
滿江紅(壬子秋社莆中賦桃花) Azolla Prince Po in the fall of society Fu Peach
滿江紅(丙辰中秋定王臺即席餞富次律) Azolla Bing-Chen Mid-autumn Dingwangtai Extempore Preserves the rich sub-law
滿江紅(丁已和濟時幾宜送春) Azolla Ding has been and Economic time Several desirable Chun sent
沁園春(和伍子嚴避暑二首) Qin Yuan Chun and sub-Yan Wu Summer 2
沁園春 Patio Spring
酹江月(題趙文炳枕屏) Pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river inscribe Zhao wen Ping Ping Pillow
酹江月(丙午蠃川) Pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river Heigo Lo River
酹江月(乙未白蓮待廷對) Pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river Yi Wei White lotus stay to respond to the emperor's queries at court
酹江月(乙未中元自柳州過白蓮) Pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river Yi Wei Zhong Yuan from Liu zhou across White Lotus
酹江月(萬載竜江眼界) Pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river 10 000 _set_ Dragon river view
酹江月(足樂園牡丹) Pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river ample Paradise peony
促拍滿路花(信豐黃師尹跳珠亭) Promote film flower moon road Master Yin Shun Feng Huang Chu Ting jump
古詩 ancient style poetry
艤舟砂磧。 秋淨波澄碧。 極目青山橫遠,懸崖斷、擁蒼壁。 傍岩漁艇集。 渡頭人物立。 八景瀟湘真畫,雲籠日、晚風急。