相和歌辭·飲馬長城窟行 In proper proportion Songs Water the horses the great wall hole Row
短歌行 brief a style of old Chinese poems
夜直 Straight Night
秋日思舊山 Autumn to remember old times Mountain
寄乾陵楊侍郎 Send Qianling Yang assistant minister
登樓憶友 Ascend building Memories of Friends
華嚴寺望樊川 Wang Huayan Fanchuan
與道侶同於水陸寺會宿 AND Companion With the Water and land Temple will be places
城上吟 City on the Yin
襄陽麯 Xiangyang Song
誡貪 Commandment corruption
太平坊尋裴郎中故宅 Peace Pei Fang search Physician trained in herb medicine former residence
登樓 Ascend Building
長安早秋 Chang'an early autumn
對雪 Of snow
鸚鵡 popinjay
晚景 evening scene
長安傷春 Chang'an Spring and
悲長安 sad Chang'an
千葉石榴花 Chiba Pomegranate
觀棋 Watching chess
古詩 ancient style poetry
【資料來源】 824_12