唐代 卢肇 Lu Zhao  唐代  
漢堤詩 Shi Han dike
題甘露寺 inscribe Kanroji
江陵府初試澂心如水 Jiangling House Handsel Jerneh Water
別宜春赴舉 allo- Yichun city Go give
射策後作 Made after shooting policy
和主司王起(一作奉和主司王僕射答週侍郎賀放榜作) And the main Division Wang qi 1 for Feng and A week of Wang Pu She primarily of Assistant minister HE results would be released for
及第送潘圖歸宜春 Pass an imperial examination accompany Pan tu return Yichun City
將歸宜春留題新安館 Will return Yichun city Comments written after visiting a place Xin'an house
競渡詩(一作及第後江寧觀競渡寄袁州剌史成應元) Boat race A poem for Pass an imperial examination Hu giang peaceful To look at boat race Send Yuanzhou La Shi Cheng Ying Yuan
禦溝水 A ditch which flows through the imperial garden water
楊栁枝 poplar osier
新植紅茶花偶齣被人移去以詩索之 The new plant Black tea Even the flowers was Take Verse solicit
戲題(肈初計偕至襄陽,奇章公方有眞珠之惑) Movie title Early Zhao Meter-kai To Yangyang Zhang Qi Gong are Genuine pearl Puzzles
成名後作 Arrive Made after
登祝融寺蘭若(一作登南嶽月宮蘭若) Teng Temple Zhurong Temple For registration of a Another anme for the heng mountain Moon Palace temple
被謫連州 Is exiled with state
謫後再書一絶 Banished to the book after a special skill
題清遠峽觀音院二首 Goddess of Mercy Hospital of Qingyuan Gap Question 2
喜楊捨人入翰林 Xi Yang Scheeren into member of the Imperial Academy
謫連州書春牛榜子 Banished to the book even states Clay cattle Bang Son
牧童 cowboy
古詩 ancient style poetry



【資料來源】 551_23
