唐代 羊士谔 Yang Shie  唐代  
早春對雨 (early)spring On the rain
過三鄉望女幾山,早歲有卜築之誌 across San township Of Mount Hope Women Early years have Bu building Ambition
和李都官郎中經宮人斜 and Li dou government-operated porcelain kiln of the Song Dynasty Physician trained in herb medicine trans- Palace were inclined
山閣聞笛 Mountain House Pipe
登樓 Ascend Building
憶江南舊逰二首 Recall south of the changjiang river Formerly-visited place 2
郡中即事三首 Counties That thing 3
郡中即事三首(一作《玩荷花》) Counties that thing 3 To play a lotus
郡中即事三首(一作《寄裴校書》) Counties that thing 3 Send a PEI school books for
野望二首 Wildness 2
逰西山蘭若 Tour West Mountain temple
氾舟入後溪(後一首一作於鵠詩) Go boating to enter Si 3 rear A (poem) 1 for Yu gu poem
看花 See the flowers
春望 Spring Hope
賀州宴行營回將 Hezhou Moriyuki back to camp
逰郭駙馬大安山池 restored to health Hill Pond
故蕭尚書癭柏齋前玉蕊樹,與王起居吏部孟員外衕賞 Therefore Hsiao Shang shu Yingbaizhaiqian Lecythidaceae Tree Wang qi assert Ministry of official personal affairs in feudal china cavity Ministry councillor With reward
和武相早朝中書候傳點書懷奉呈 And armed with Levee Point in the book wait to Form was Bong was
和蕭侍禦監祭白帝城西村寺齋沐覽鏡…吏部孟員外並見贈 And Xiao Shiyu monitoring Festival White emperor city Zan Temple Vegetarian Mu View mirror Ministry of official personal affairs in feudal china cavity Ministry councillor And see the gifts
送張郎中副使自南省赴鳳翔府幕 accompany Sheet physician trained in herb medicine Fushi to go from the South Province Fung cheung House curtain
和竇吏部雪中寓直 And sinus Ministry of official personal affairs in feudal china Snow Apartments Direct
古詩 ancient style poetry



【資料來源】 332_62
