唐代 卢象 Lu Xiang  唐代  
贈程秘書 Grant process secretary
傢叔徵君東溪草堂二首 Jia Shu Zheng Jun Dongxi Thatched cottage 2
鄉試後自鞏還田傢,因謝鄰友見過之作 triennial examination After self-Gong To field O Friends of the family have seen the result of DR for
雜詩二首 Miscellaneous Poems 2
贈廣川馬先生 Wide Sichuan horse gifts baas
峽中作 Gap in the making
竹裏館 Bamboo Lodge
永城使風 Wing City of wind
駕幸溫泉 Receives favor thermae
奉和張使君宴加朝散 Feng and sheet Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Dinner plus Toward San
贈張均員外 present Zhang jun ministry councillor
送祖詠 accompany Zu Yong
送綦毋潛 accompany Qiwu Qian
送趙都護赴安西 Send Zhao Title of the highest administrative commanding officer in border area Go Anxi
追涼歷下古城西北隅,此地有清泉喬木 Chasing cool next calendar An ancient city Northwest Corner here and there Lymph tree
戲贈邵使君張郎 Xi zeng (surname) Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Zhang Lang
衕王維過崔處士林亭 alike Wang wei across (surname) department disabilities Ting-
寄河上段十六(一作王維詩) Send River Epimere caroche 1 for Wang wei poem
寒食 Cold Food
八月十五日象自江東止田園移莊…詩三首(俱見王維集) aug Fifteen daily As self- South of the changjiang river to stop Fields and gardens Move all three poems, see Chuang Wang wei group of things having a shared quality
嘆白發(一作王維詩) acclaim snow 1 for Wang wei poem
早秋宴張郎中海亭即事(一作孟浩然詩) Early autumn banquet Sheet physician trained in herb medicine Ocean arbor that is a matter 1 for Meng haoran poem
古詩 ancient style poetry



【資料來源】 122_18
