唐代 李峤 Li Jiao  唐代   (646~715)
雜麯歌辭·東飛伯勞歌 Potpourri songs Dong Fei Shrike cantus
秋山望月酬李騎曹 Autumn mountain Full moon Choulijicao
和衕府李祭酒休沐田居 And closed with the Government Li Mu Tian Ji Jiu Home
扈從還洛呈侍從群官 Equipage Luo was also Minister Qun Guan
奉使築朔方六州城率爾而作 Ancient Korea building North hexad A town within a "zhou" Lver And for
早發苦竹館 Premature Bitter bamboo house
安輯嶺表事平罷歸 Safety series The front, or southern, side of the five ridges (i.e., guangdong) Something flat Stop go
鷓鴣(一作韋應物詩) francolin 1 for Wei yingwu poem
清明日竜門逰氾 Clear tomorrow The east city gate of the capital of chu state in warring states period of 475-221 b.c. Yu Pan
雲 cloud
寶劍篇 Sword Posts
汾陰行 Fen Yin line
中宗降誕日長寧公主滿月侍宴應製 In cases Happy birthday Changning Archduchess Quartering Shi Yan write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和送金城公主適西蕃應製 Feng and Accompany golden city archduchess fitness western barbarians write poem according to the emperor's order
侍宴長寧公主東莊應製 Changning Yan Shi Archduchess Dongzhuang write poem according to the emperor's order
立春日侍宴內殿齣剪彩花應製 Establish spring Shi Yan Penetralia to help a joint cause Cut the ribbon flower write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和人日清暉閣宴群臣遇雪應製 Feng and Man-days Ching Fai House dinner the ministers Case of snow write poem according to the emperor's order
春日侍宴幸芙蓉園應製 Spring Shi Yan Xing Lotus rong garden write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和七夕兩儀殿會宴應製 Feng and The seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the cowherd and the weaver maid meet in heaven) Astrotech Banquet Hall will write poem according to the emperor's order
古詩 ancient style poetry


