詠柳 Singing willow
回鄉偶書二首(其一) Coming Home
相和歌辭·採蓮麯 In proper proportion Songs Lotus song
唐禪社首樂章·順和 Tang dynasty (618-907) The first zen community movement gentle and polite
唐禪社首樂章·太和 Tang dynasty (618-907) the first zen community movement Wo
唐禪社首樂章·雍和 Tang dynasty (618-907) the first zen community movement Fraternity
唐禪社首樂章·壽和 Tang dynasty (618-907) the first zen community movement Life and
唐禪社首樂章·太和 Tang dynasty (618-907) the first zen community movement Wo
曉發 Aldo
奉和御制春臺望 Feng and poems and writings authored by the emperor Chun Tai Wang
望人傢桃李花 hope Household peach Lee Flowers
送人之軍 To see (or walk) someone home The Army
奉和聖製送張說上集賢學士賜宴賦得謨字 Feng and saint-system accompany zhang yue the jixian bachelor ciyan Fu de Mo word
奉和聖製送張說巡邊 Feng and Saint-system accompany Zhang yue Inspected
回鄉偶書二首(其二) Return to one's home village even the book 2 Second,
古詩 ancient style poetry
【資料來源】 112_19