西京崇德裏居 Xijing Zonta address
投所思 cast one's thoughts
經張捨人舊居(一題作河中經故翰林張捨人所居) The former residence of Zhang Scheeren a question to the river through it Member of the imperial academy Zhang Scheeren The Home
雒城作 Luo city for
姑蘇城南湖陪曹使君遊 Soochow, jiangsu province South Lake accompany Cao Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china swim
秋日有寄姑蘇曹使君 Autumn Have sent Soochow, jiangsu province a company honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
得宣州竇尚書書因投寄二首 Xuanzhou sinus was Shang shu Book because Post 2
雪 Snow
暇日有寄姑蘇曹使君兼呈張郎中郡中賓僚 Days of leisure Have sent Soochow, jiangsu province a company Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china And was Zhang Physician trained in herb medicine Counties Bin Liao