唐代 武平一 Wu Pingyi  唐代  
雜麯歌辭·妾薄命 Potpourri Songs concubine (usu
奉和登驪山高頂寓目應製 Feng and Teng li shan high top look over write poem according to the emperor's order
幸梨園觀打球應製 favour Theatre to look at Batting write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和幸白鹿觀應製 Feng and favour White deer to look at write poem according to the emperor's order
侍宴安樂公主新宅應製 serve Feel happy and contented (surname) Archduchess New home write poem according to the emperor's order
送金城公主適西蕃 accompany Golden city Archduchess Fitness Western Barbarians
奉和幸新豐溫泉宮應製 Feng and Hang Fung Thermae palace write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和幸韋嗣立山莊侍宴應製 Feng and favour Wei sili Village Shi Yan write poem according to the emperor's order
興慶池侍宴應製 Chi Shi Yan Xingqing write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和立春內出彩花樹應製 Feng and The beginning of spring inner To be injured Trees and flowers write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和正旦賜宰臣柏葉應製 Feng and The first day of the lunar year Cizaichen Kashiwaba write poem according to the emperor's order
夜宴安樂公主宅 Dinner party Cushion Archduchess house
餞唐永昌 Preserves Tang Yongchang
古詩 ancient style poetry



【資料來源】 102_11
