唐代 栖白 Qi Bai  唐代  
邊思 biansi
八月十五夜玩月 Aug fifteen dark Wan Yue
尋山僧真勝上人不遇 Seek, search, look for mountain Monk Naokatsu Buddhist monk fail to achieve one's success
贈李溟秀纔 present Li ming xiucai
送石秀纔 Send stone xiucai
送造微上人遊五臺及禮本師 Send-made micro- Buddhist monk swim wutai And the ceremony of the division
送禪師宗極歸玉峰 accompany Honorific title for a buddhist monk Were highly classified Yufeng
送僧歸舊山 Send to a monk Return old Mountain
送圓仁三藏歸本國 Tripitaka go get Ennin home
送王煉師歸嵩嶽 Normal delivery wang lian Return Songyue
壽昌節賦得紅雲表夏日 Shouchang burl Fu de red Yun biao summertime
經廢宮 The waste Palace
贈識古法師 Knowledge of ancient gift rabbi
月夜懷劉秀纔(一作元孚詩) A moonlight night huai liu xiucai 1 for Yuan fu poem
寄南山景禪師 lodge at Zhongnanshan scape honorific title for a Buddhist monk
哭劉得仁 cry Liu Deren
古詩 ancient style poetry



【資料來源】 823_24
