樂府雜麯·鼓吹麯辭·有所思 Official conservatory in the han ynasty (206b.c.-a.d.220) potpourri Advocating qu diction have one's thoughts
雜麯歌辭·自君之出矣 Potpourri songs Since the king of the carry on
月蝕詩 Eclipse poetry
哭玉碑子 Kuyubeizi
觀放魚歌 to look at Released fish cantus
示添丁 Said of childbirth
寄男抱孫 Jinanbaosun
自詠三首 Since wing 3
卓女怨 Zhuo women complain
守歲二首 Stay up late on new year's eve 2
新月 crescent
解悶 diversion
人日立春 Person days the Beginning of Spring
送尉遲羽之歸宣州 accompany Yu-chi Feather of the return XuanZhou
悲新年 sad watch in
憶酒寄劉侍郎 Liu Yi Sakayori assistant minister
白鷺鷥 white bittern
風中琴 Wind piano
感秋別怨 Feeling fall Do not complain
古詩 ancient style poetry
【資料來源】 387_14