唐代 常衮 Chang Gun  唐代  
奉和圣制麟德殿燕百僚应制 Feng and St. Zhilindedian Yan Bailiao write poem according to the emperor's order
晚秋集贤院即事寄徐薛二侍郎 Late autumn Hospitals that do send Jixian Xu Xue 2 assistant minister
早秋望华清宫树因以成咏(一作卢纶诗) Early autumn hope Hua qing Tree, due to the Cheng Yong 1 for Lu lun poem
和考功员外杪秋忆终南旧宅之作(以下六首一作卢纶诗) And test power Ministry councillor Qiu Yi-end fast track Former residence S for Hereinafter 6 1 for Lu lun poem
题金吾郭将军石洑茅堂 Guo title Kingo Check Shifumaotang
登栖霞寺(一作奉和李益游栖岩寺) Teng habitat Xia Temple 1 for Feng and li yi you habitat yanshi
逢南中使寄岭外故人 meet South africa and Send Ling to outside decedent
咏冬瑰花(奉和中书李舍人昆季咏寄徐郎中之作) Yongdongguihua Feng and Kun Li Scheeren quarter of the book sent Xu Yong Physician trained in herb medicine S for
句 sentence
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷254_10
