唐代 包何 Bao He  唐代  
送泉州李使君之任(一作送李使君赴泉州) Accompany quanzhou (a surname) honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china of any To give Li a Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china attend Quanzhou
和孟虔州闲斋即事 And Meng Qian Zhou busy fast or something
同阎伯均宿道士观有述 Tongyanbojun Lodge for the night taoist to look at Have described
送乌程王明府贬巴江 accompany Wu cheng Wang ming House depreciation Bajhang
送王汶宰江阴 accompany Wang men Jae Jiangyin
和苗员外寓直中书 MILLER Ministry councillor Apartments in the book straight
阙下芙蓉 Que next hibiscus
江上田家 River a farming family
送韦侍御奉使江岭诸道催青苗钱 Jiang Ling Zhu Dao Wei Shiyu Ancient Korea to send reminders Young crops money
和程员外春日东郊即事 And Cheng Ministry councillor Spring Eastern suburbs That is something
相里使君第七男生日(一作生日) Xiangli village Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Seventh Schoolboy Riyizuo a birthday [Christmas] gift
同诸公寻李方直不遇 Li Fang with gentlemen looking straight fail to achieve one's success
婺州留别邓使君 Wuzhou Give souvenir on parting surname honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
寄杨侍御(一作包佶诗) Send Yang Shiyu one for Bao ji poem
赋得秤,送孟孺卿 Fu de Scale Songmengruqing
长安晓望,寄崔补阙(一作司空曙诗) Chang'an Xiao wang Send Cui Buque 1 for Sikong shu poem
古诗 ancient style poetry




【资料来源】 卷208_11
