薛记室收过庄见寻率题古意以赠 Room remember Chong Xue received search rate issue, see Interest and charm of antique taste To grant
采药 to gather herbs of medicinal value
在京思故园见乡人问 Thinking in Beijing Home town appear Villager ask
北山 North Mountain
九月九日赠崔使君善为 September the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Cui gifts Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Good and
独坐 Sitting alone
游仙四首 Fairy 4
策杖寻隐士 Ce zhang seek, search, look for anchorite
赠学仙者 present Science magazine person
黄颊山 Yellow Cheek Mountain
建德破后入长安咏秋蓬示辛学士 After breaking into the Jiande Chang'an Qiu Yong Peng said Xin Xueshi
过酒家五首(一作题酒店壁) across Restaurant 5 1 for title Hotel wall