奉和执契静三边应诏 Feng and Static trilateral contract enforcement accept the emperor's order
奉和行经破薛举战地应制 Feng and Row The broken xue ju battleground write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和元日应制 Feng and Mongol write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和初春登楼即目应诏 Feng and The first month of spring Ascend building The present accept the emperor's order
奉和秋日即目应制 Feng and Autumn The present write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和喜雪应制 Feng and Snow Hi write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和登陕州城楼应制 Feng and Deng Shan A town within a "zhou" Building write poem according to the emperor's order
游清都观寻沈道士得清字 View all searching Shen Qing Yu Taoist So clear word
奉和仪鸾殿早秋应制 Feng and Miriam luan hall early autumn write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和咏雨应诏 Feng and Yong Yu accept the emperor's order
奉和过慈恩寺应制 Feng and Guo Jionji write poem according to the emperor's order
冬日宴于庶子宅各赋一字得归 Winter banquet for Illegitimate The word house was owned by Fu
送刘散员同赋得陈思王诗山树郁苍苍 Songliusanyuan with Fu de Chen si wang Shi Shu Yu Shan ashy
奉和宴中山应制 Feng and Banquet zhongshan write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和圣制登三台言志应制 Feng and Saint-system Teng 3 taiwan wills write poem according to the emperor's order
安德山池宴集 quiet Tokuyama Pool Feast
古诗 ancient style poetry
舞商初赴节,湘燕远迎秋。飘丝交殿网,乱滴起池沤。 激溜分龙阙,斜飞洒凤楼。崇朝方浃宇,宸盼俯凝旒。
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