唐代 苏颋 Su Ting  唐代  
郊庙歌辞·祭汾阴乐章·寿和 Suburban Lyrics Ji fen yin movement Life and
杂曲歌辞·长相思 Potpourri Songs long lovesickness
奉和圣制行次成皋途经先圣擒建德之所感而成诗应制 Feng and Saint-system via line plays Cheng Gao The teacher of teachers Jiande of capture One's impression about something Becomes poetry write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和圣制登蒲州逍遥楼应制 Feng and Saint-system Teng puzhou happy building write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和圣制过晋阳宫应制 Feng and System over Jinyang Palace St. write poem according to the emperor's order
和杜主簿春日有所思 and Du main book Spring have one's thoughts
饯郢州李使君 Jianyingzhouli honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
饯唐州高使君赴任 Jiantangzhougao honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China go to take one's post
夜发三泉即事 Three Springs that night made things
小园纳凉即事 Small garden garden Enjoy the cool in the open air That is something
昆明池晏坐答王兵部珣三韵见示 Kunming cistern Wang Yan sit Answer Department of war in feudal china Xunsanyunxian show
奉和圣制春台望应制 Feng and Saint-system Chun tai wang write poem according to the emperor's order
长相思 long lovesickness
蜀城哭台州乐安少府 Shu city cry Taizhou Le Ann shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
立春日侍宴内出剪彩花应制 Establish spring Dinner in a paternity Cut the ribbon flower write poem according to the emperor's order
春日芙蓉园侍宴应制 Spring Lotus rong garden Shi Yan write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和圣制人日清晖阁宴群臣遇雪应制 Feng and System of man-days Ching Fai House St Feast ministers Case of snow write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和九日幸临渭亭登高应制得时字 Feng and the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar xinglinweiting Ascend Write poem according to the emperor's order To be in luck word
游禁苑幸临渭亭遇雪应制 swim Ban townhouse Xinglinweiting Case of snow write poem according to the emperor's order
古诗 ancient style poetry



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