摸鱼儿(丙午归田,严滩褚孺奇席上赋) Mo yuer Heigo (of officials) resign from office and return home Yan Tanchuruqi Scholars poetic essay
齐天乐(戊申百五王野处酌别) Monkey music The forty fifth of the sexagesimall 100 5 Wang ye Department discretion Do
祝英台(丁巳晚春访杨西村,湖上怀旧) Lovers Dingsiwanchunfangyangxi village Lake nostalgia
阳关三叠(庚戌送何师可之维扬) Yangguansandie Geng-Xu He sent teachers to the Weiyang
摸鱼儿(宝祐甲寅春赋) Mo yuer Bao Yu Jia Yin Chun Fu
念奴娇(丙辰寄钱若洲) Stories of Bing-Chen Remission If the Island
摸鱼儿(景定庚申会使君陈碧栖) Mo yuer King will be Gengshen Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Chen Bi habitat
满江红(别沧洲赵茂仲) Azolla allo- Cangzhou Zhao Maozhong
贺新郎 congratulate benedict