宋代 贺铸 He Zhu  宋代   (1052~1125)
Trace Lian
Grass transition
Tian Ning Lu Le bronze plate holding lead
s wife
Mandarin duck Punjabi ditto
The moon like a round flat piece of jade hall Xiaochong Mountain
differentiate Twang Spring Festival Fun
Climbing saddle state ditto
Er-Ru Song Clear business Resentment
Half dead Tong The more people think Jing name Partridge days
cut with scissors Alpenglow peony ditto
swim Youngster ditto
Chiba Lin ditto
Chiefly flower ditto
ancient Trace Lian
Pestle sound (surname) ditto
Night as the annual ditto
Multiple poems at a time
Tasha Hang

Hearts suffer

   He Zhu

Willow back to the pond, ducks do not pump.
Ophelia Lin boat up off road.
Mu fragrance is absolutely no bees and butterflies, red Tuojin heart pain.
Flashback Ying Chao, Clouds rain.
Yiyi and poet like language.
Then refused to marry spring, autumn for no reason but was mistaken.
  ① back to the pond: twists and turns of the reservoir.
  ② Do not pump: the support into the river outlet.
  ③ Ophelia boat up off Lotus Road: this sentence, the surface covered with Ophelia, lotus boat difficult to forward.
  ④ red: to describe the red lotus petals. Heart pain: refers to the lotus has a bitter taste. More than two said that although the lotus fragrance exudes, but bees and butterflies are categorically not come, it had to be alone in the Autumn haggard.
  ⑤ Flashback: sun_set_ back to the light. Chao: refers to the evening tide.
  ⑥ Yiyi: to describe the way the lotus swaying. Poet: poet.
  ⑦ spring refused to marry: a phrase from the Han Wo "hate mail" poem: "Spring Breeze Lotus refused to get married." Zhang Xian in "a bunch of flowers", wrote the word: "Shen hate small thinking, not as good as ON TOURISM, Utah married Solutions Dongfeng. "He cast is to come and lotus ON TOURISM faint contrast. Lotus has written more than two "But old age" feeling.
  Lotus poem is a chant, from the ratio of dark lotus. Poet chanting, few beyond the description of physical state, most of sustenance. Because in life, there are many things that can be compared, emotions can be the same, people can think of, from here, Express the text for the meaning. So from the "Book of Songs," "Songs of the South" since there is way more than the performance of Xing. Word not in the exception.
  A fourth sentence than the analogy further. Lotus pond not only growing in the back, do not pump, Lin Zhou and interdiction by Ophelia can not come to pick, then the bees and butterflies can fly to the right that is. Unfortunately, these bees and butterflies, and I do not know the fragrance can be love, categorically refuse to come. This is the fragrance of lotus flowers, than his own character; to bees and butterflies do not come to the drastic than in the positions of their own and do not have appreciated.
  Bearing on the break shot for the end of two Pi. Lin Zhou do not come, bees and butterflies do not admire, the beauty and fragrant flowers, and finally it is only since the open since the fall. "Red Tuojin" refers to scatter flower petals; "heart pain" refers to the lotus has a bitter taste. In the Lotus side, said the idea had its empty Sheng time, soon wither defeat; in their area, said although the virtuous is talented, but unknown, that there go rather have the line, it may not show, and finally die of old age only under the lattice window only, people are very painful. Will spend more than people, everywhere pun, but no traces of far-fetched.
  Pushed through a layer of film, in the situation in the _set_. "Flashback" two, written back to the pond is still, do not pump the scenery. Sun_set_, wave penetration above the waves to meet the tidal inflow from the Pukou. Sky clouds, then with a burst or a few light rain sprinkling the pond. These two lively written not only in itself, but also suggests a lotus in the pond, between the pump, since the open since the fall, too long, many times from Chaomu, full calendar confront, and always no one knows, no one picked to metaphor in his own life experience, how many things have suffered the vicissitudes of life, human well-being. This scenery, you also write the characters thoughts and feelings and even character.
  "Yiyi" one, apparently from Li Bai, "Lu Water Song" "Lotus Johnson For language, worried where boating people" change from. But the specified "language" as the man of the object, then the implications for the rich than the Chi, profound. Qu Yuan's "Lament": "system that clothing bearing Xi water chestnut, lotus collection that clothes. Do not I know these have Xi, Fang Gou I love the letter." Qu Yuan had envisaged acquisition because of the lotus (Lotus is Lotus, see Wang Yi, "Note" ) making clothes to symbolize their aromatic clean, so the word was also envisaged in the lotus flowers in the boat do not come, bees and butterflies do not admire, since the open since the fall of the circumstances, filled with mind to tell the poet. But this study is to imagine, so with a "like" word, and Chi with "desire" the same words, but life seems empty, but real magic. Wang Yi "<Sao Sutra" is built and "had pointed out:" "Lament," the text, according to the "poetry" take Xing, cited class analogy. Gushan birds, herbs to with loyalty, ... ... Mi Fei, Yi M, Xian Chen to give an example. "From that point on, herbs, beauty, the Magi became the Trinity. In the poem, the author lotus (vanilla) from the ratio, is very obvious, and at the end of sentences, because of the "married" for the ratio, involving women, to these three series are also up.
  "In the past," two to classical, is an imaginary lotus pour on the words of the poet; to Italian words, it is the author of "Master from the Road." Reads now, flowers that are human person is the flower, into one of the. "In the past refused to marry the spring breeze", is anti with Zhang Xian's "a bunch of flowers order", "Shen hate small thinking, not as good as ON TOURISM, Utah solutions marry wind", a look that is known, the lotus of the open, this is not spring, in the summer, so it is very precise. This is a hundred flowers bloom in spring, colorful, when the poet not only to take the opening in the spring, compared to married spring, the lotus that the "spring refused to get married" to contain and she has a willing to fight the other like a flower Yan take pity, as a virtuous, including the meaning of narcissistic personality. It is written for the identity of the lotus, but also is writing the author's own identity. However, when not married, though reluctant because of their own, and red to make off, bitter heart alone, would not be autumn but not the origin of delayed it? This has reflected on his character and the social customs of the conflict, which has official road ahead, sinking under the Liao's sigh. Southern Tang in the main "Huanxi Sha," says: "Handan Hong marketing Cuiye residues, between the Green Wave from the westerly worry." Wei "Human Words" that "great public Fang Wu dirty, old age and a sense of beauty." ("However, the scattered vegetation Xi, fear of old age and beauty.", "Although it never wilt Xi Yi He hurt, sadness and the petals of the Wu dirty." Are "Li Sao" sentence.) Famous literary critic who is sensitive to detect An Xiaoguo to the monarch of this bias for their own future unknowable issued sigh. Similarities of the "Butterfly in Love" Ode to a lotus, which may be made to Xiao Lian. On it, the films were shown Results sentence, "according to makeup Johnson To get language film, the main westerly How can it be prosperous" and "open space towards the evening off from the promise of intimate pain actually no solution," with the word "unprovoked been wrong Autumn" and "Red Tuojin heart pain," the pen is intended, broadly similar to reference.
  "Sung Yuen Biography" contains He Zhu "happy talk when things, whether under the guise of a lot. Though you be too powerful, less unpleasant, very mouth of slander of the exhaustive reply. People think that nearly Xia. ... ... Have to resort to still air to make wine, not the U.S. government, Yiyi unsuccessful. "These records, helpful to our understanding of the word. (Shen-fen)
  【2】 Appreciation
  Poem is a chant lotus, ignited the author's life experience. Words painted on the tie down a _set_ and the tranquil pond. The lotus grows in the pond is quiet place, only lonely litter. Like a beautiful woman, no appreciation, no love, full of dilapidated miserable. Ci sighed through the beauty of self-sigh, but also exposed his dark wasted the prime of life. Still under the tie down through the mouth Expressing beauty: Even Qifenglengyu, I still do not open the spring flowers are blooming, preferring to bloom in the heat of summer. Flowers, beauty, gentleman, forming a perfect harmonious unity.

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