宋代 史达祖 Shi Dazu  宋代   (1163~1220)
Both yan Yong Yan
For nest Luen Fung
Qiluo Hong
Qi Luo Chun Hong Yong
Double Also Yan Yong Yan
Spring song
Chinese cherry apple spring
Dark sail The first month of the lunar year The number 18 Japanese apricot smell Sell Thoughts
East Chiefly branch chant Spring Snow
East chiefly branch Saigon Prince Run Wang Rain Li Guihai spring and high Binwang The Fu
East chiefly branch Evening light Qing sit
Xi Ying move
Everlasting Joy Spring Thinking
Nguyen Lang return
Nguyen lang return Next month a sense of things
Those bewitching eyes Reply on behalf of
Yi-Yao Ji of mourning is also riding a province
Southern Poems
Merry son
Merry son
Calendula child
Multiple poems at a time
绮罗 Hong

Qi Luo Chun Hong Yong

   Shi Dazu

Do cold bully flowers, the smoke trapped Liu, urging thousands of miles to steal the spring twilight.
Day offerings do fans want to fly still lives in sorrow.
Shock powder weight, butterfly places West Park, HI mud run, Yan return Nampo.
The harm it, some good romantic, tin cars less than Duling Road.
Look very heavy on the river, was also anxious late spring tide, hard to find Guandu.
Vaguely remote peak, and the tears of Mother Mei Xie flatter.
Pro-off shore, the new green at birth, is Fallen flowers, with sorrow streaming Department.
Remember that day, up to the door pear, night lights Jian language.
  Are written throughout every word "spring."
  ① do cold bully Flowers: rainy cold spell, prevents bloom.
  ② the smoke trapped Liu: misty rain, such as smoke around the willow.
  ③ make Ming fans at: day spring rains.
  ④ tin car: gorgeous car. Duling: Xuandi Ling Han Tomb is located. Were mostly living in the vicinity of rich house, it refers to by the bustling streets.
  ⑤ Guandu: passenger transport by public ferry.
  ⑥ thank Mother: Tang Geisha, later refers to singer. Amidst these two is written shrouded distant hills, thank your mother as tears moistened eyebrows were looking so charming.
  ⑦ late Lamp Language: yin "Yeyujibei": "What if a total of Lin Ku-fang, but then issuing news reports."
  This is the first chanting word to depict a variety of artistic spring touching scene. Loading written near rain. Butterfly shock powder weight, Yan Yun hi mud. Wedding day was blocked, tin cars can not.
  Write distant spring showings. Torrents of Spring anxious night, misty mountains, the new green Fallen flowers, with sorrow streaming to go. Throughout the vain "Rain", which is appropriate everywhere you go. Term workers Lai, quiet mood.
  Comment】 【_Set_
  Zhou Ji, "On the word referred mingled with fast memory": Meixi have great thoughts, and a pen tip and more clever involved, the number of non-decent homes, the so-called "one hook that is thin by Le."
  Yellow rose "flower Um Ci": "Pro-off shore," the following words, the most praised Jiang Zhang Yao.
  Li Panlong "Cao Tang Shi Yu Jun"; Pragmatic dripping, in the moist, reading the cold rain through the night the sound of poetry, non-pen can Xingyun peace!
  Huang Liao Park "Polygonaceae Garden Ci": Melancholy rain yeah? Yeah blame the rain? Even the number of Shu wedding day, to make the best of the error, but Iraq is still steeped gradually stains, Binome endless, small human state and if so, the Qing Jun sentence can think of, and good written statement undergoing a decline Zhenjing second language, its own identity, resentment and not anger.
  Xiao Hui Ang, "Even the word Comprehensive Review": Yee Hop embroidered together, the wave is a cloud Committee. "To the Japanese offerings fans" two, depict ecstatic. "Remember that day," two, so the use of virtual reality at all.
  First the, Cheng Hong "word cleaning": No word for word and title dependent, and at the end of the beginning of the word rain, the side Jieyou. Two words before and after seven, in particular, with the front. Wishful Sarah, playing hard to release hands.
  Sun Trench "word tracks": the word of the sentence in the four characters, the most to be condensed. History Meixi as saying: "do cold bully flowers, the smoke trapped Liu" has only eight characters spring to draw.
  Seoul Yong Zhou, "Zhou batch Literary Field": testimonies house in order, the sound of the and.
  Kai Chong "Left Um Words": Shi Dazu spring term, evil sentence, "Remember the day up to the door pear, cut the night light language." On the title to open the oven liner is also a law.
  Descriptive words in the mature fully reflected in the poem, the mind sees the natural scenery to send in the depictions of emotional, mixing of without a trace. But the "sustenance" of only one kind of emotions, the mind sees that which is of the time, society formed by individuals thinking, if actually refers to someone or something will not go Farfetched will be attached.
  Words in the drizzle for the right time, and the pent-up feelings secretly long, as the timely rain, the event this chilling feeling, "moving in the situation, is shaped in the words," Full of Singing Sorrowful is made of this.
  Liu spent trapped rain bully, the so-called romantic sin, is the resentment of spring tomorrow, is indeed Xichun feelings. Physical things rather than put pen to paper on the Xinghai, and confirmed that the King has a non-human thoughts and feelings, chanting words to the Southern Song writing techniques are widely used, this is called vivid, which is the word most see Gongli chanting one of the places.
  Nabi dependents to go on, Chunyan Tachun from this is normal, while the butterflies startled powder weight, Yan Yun hi mud, yet the rain that I do not know people worry hi is a "minor" features, from the side shown.
  Loading of the final rhyme, spring is still around to write. Nothing good about, not tin car, is that the impact of rain on the staff, the resistance across the river who can not cross the river, desperate for the "me" Yeah, for him not? This approach, as Yao-hyun said: Fu made only water, the water properly, so also in terms of water before and after. Duling in the south of Chang'an, the Tang Dynasty picnic spot, here is borrowed.
  The next sentence "up to the door pear", a phrase from the re-Yuan Li, "Yi Sun-": "Yi Sun-lush grass, willow height outside the House, Deep Sorrow, Du Yu could not bear to hear again and again. For the evening, the rain and pear deep and break." To imagine the speech, recalling previous romantic, poet Way back in the "date" up to the door at dusk, when the rainy night listening to the melancholy situation of pear flavor. Spring night rain not only rewrite the famous poet, also spring for the infection of the heart the word end. The lights cut things out of yin poem: "When a total of Lin Ku-Ho, but then issuing news reports." Although Chi wrote autumn, but only clipping the "Night Rain cut candle" layer of meaning to the enemy closing of thinking, the vast muddy Results sentence nears, so not the words of the Italian done. Review these two Ang Xiao Hui said: "This use of virtual reality at all." "Word clean" evaluation of the whole word is: "No word for word and title dependent, and at the end of the beginning of the word rain, the side Jieyou. Before and after the two sentence in paragraph seven, in particular to the front. "in the chanting word, this means focusing on carved and painted the first one is class, not only do the poor form of the phase, and quite vivid. Lai known to work, see the author imaginative, Meixi film shows a day, the history of the word in a master of graceful position.

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