唐代 颜真卿 Yan Zhenqing  唐代  
Tizhushangui Pavilion was Muzitinglu Jian Created by
Xie Lu Department disabilities Zhushanzheqing Sweet osmanthus flower See even send the
Pei gifts check
chant Tao Yuanming
Yao Tai Temple to have been pregnant Parinirvana Buddhist monk
character Qing yuandaoshi poem So After making
Mountain View Lee Teng-Xian Shi left with respect joint sentences
Church to send all the water Man of letters Xi zeng Pan Cheng joint sentences
AND Geng wei Shui ting Yong Feng joint sentences
Also River Museum Listen to cicada joint sentences
accompany Geng wei gleaning joint sentences
Sanyanxi Huangfu ceng Shiyu Seen South Tower Wan Yue
seven Be flattered by sb's favourable remark joint sentences
Wu Yan sent Lishi Yu joint sentences
five Be flattered by sb's favourable remark accompany Be splash throughout joint sentences
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Seven slippery language joint sentences

   Yan Zhenqing

Rain down step on elm bark, - Yen Chen
Difficult to move cranberry stone steps. - Jiaoran
Wu Kwai weed eat boiled vinegar sauce, - all white Liu
Seam line oil wax coated cone boots. - Lee cliff
Longbei urgent need and every ride.
- Li Yi

【Source】 卷788_22

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