唐代 王驾 Wang Jia  唐代  
Xia Yu
interest and charm of antique taste
After the chaos Bend River 1 for Yang shie poem
across Old friend assert
Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words And Lu Antecedent Refuge Temple Home behold peony
Multiple poems at a time
Seven quatrains


   Wang Jia

Between the core before rain began to take flowers, no leaves in the rain and flowers.
Vanessa went flying off the wall, but suspected in the spring next door.
  Rain before, but also to see the new flowers exposed between the core,
  After the rain I saw Mosaic, even under the leaves could not find a flower,
  Flowers for bees and butterflies, because they can not spend, have flown walls,
  Actually makes the scenery is still suspected of the spring garden temporary home.
  A spring of clear title
  (1) has shown signs: I just saw.
  Core: no open flowers, which bud.
  This is the first impromptu poem, write a small walk through the garden after the rain seen Canchun spectacle. Intake of the scene is very simple poem, but also very common, but flat in see odd, interesting poetry interesting.
  Poetic symbol of spring before the two hold back the "flowers" and the words to "before rain" and see "rain" scenario compared, against the background, out of a Xichun reveal feelings. Before rain, spring has just come to spend only spit Guduo children, not yet open; and rain, Rearranging already, leaving only the green leaves of the garden trees, indicating just how long the next rain, hey spend Spring, was This is a busy and wet to kill. Poet looked at the small garden of flowers Chuncan King, how disappointing born Lament ah!
  Disappointing not only a poet, and that bees and butterflies. Spend the next two poems written by the bees and butterflies. Was long and wet storm of bees and butterflies, finally heading for the good of the sunny spring weather, they cherish and poets equally happy mood, dancing to fly a small garden full of flowers that can be a meal in the spring, only to flutter the air, leaves plenty of non-small garden flowers; they as disappointed as the poet, ruefully walls have flown away. Flowers, and bees and butterflies have also left, a small garden it not even more left out, the poet's heart not be more coaching! Looking at "have to go off the wall," the bees and butterflies, filled with Xichun love poet, a sudden produce a wonderful association: "Spring in the neighborhood, but doubt." Walls there is a neighbor, the poet seems to have real evidence; but separated by a wall of the small park next door, naturally not unique, the poet would like to have is how naive; cover the line of sight, after all, a high wall, not quite sure, so poet only say "suspect", "suspect" words very appropriate, particularly to increase the realism. This poem, not only to bees, butterflies chasing an air of Spring, written in vivid, even the "Spring" written live, and it seems "Spring" really "have legs", she could not own a small garden, but why go to neighboring home, how naughty she is, how will make fun of people, ah!
  "Spring in the neighborhood is suspect," described as "flash in the pan", making words suddenly picks up, it is immediately refreshing. This is a whole chapter but the essence of gold from the point Tiecheng role by it touched, and a small garden, bees and butterflies, Spring, together glow a strange look and fun. The ancients said that "poetry live your sentence" (Wu Joe "Lunar Poetry"), means that the most expresses the poet's unique experience it fresh and vivid poem. (He Qingshan)


【Source】 卷690_4

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