唐代 苏味道 Su Weidao  唐代   (648~705)
The first month of the lunar year Fifteen dark
Chief of the xiongnu in ancient china Nakagawa Rain 2
Yong well
employ South of the five ridges(the area covering guangdong and guangxi)provinces Cui Wen Ma 2 The censor , And thanks to their Taiwanese husbands
Gift seal The censor To Taiwan
and Wu sansai Temple in days to find Fu Li Buddhist monk S for
Songshan, the highest and central peak of the five sacred mountains (or five peaks), located in hunan Dan cong Shi Yan write poem according to the emperor's order
Multiple poems at a time
An eight-line poem with five characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme narrow At first Goubu rhyme

The first month of the lunar year Fifteen dark

   Su Weidao

Joy together, Starbridge locks open.
Dust with dark horses, the moon by people.
Visit prostitutes are Nong Li, traveling songs do Lamei.
Kingo can not help the night, Jade drain phase Mo catalyst.
  Locks opened: the Tang Dynasty capital of a curfew, ban consumption of this night, locks open, as the fancy pass.
  Nong Li: "Book of what he called Calendula carry the South": "What he Nong men, and China, such as peaches and plums" to describe the Gaudy.
  Lamei: Old tunes name
  Kingo: Beijing Guards
  Jade leak: leak, with the ancient timer. Jade is used to describe the exquisite colorful material.
  Visit prostitutes: one for the Tour Kabuki
  The bustling city of Chang'an poem describing the Lantern Festival night. Write the first two lights. With "joy" to describe the city of lights, a "joint" character generated from the visual poet, no matter what direction to see the lights are prosperous, roads, playgrounds, families are nothing exceptional, great lights encirclement . "Locks open" indicates that the gate is open on all sides, even the bridges are decorated on the moat, it is "Starbridge" said. Environment and atmosphere of the festival is a very thick. Written in four visitors. Flow wave after wave of elite government officials from the children riding with "dark dust", thick dust, thousands of people no matter where lanterns and the moon shone alike, who dolled herself Geishas side edge lanterns singing Yue song "plum off," people feeling full expression of joy. Write the end of two people. Kingo, the capital Guards. Yu leakage, timing clepsydra fine texture. Since the abolition of the official ban Palace Guard exceptional night, then pray for time-pressed and disappointed pots they must make the crowd happy all night long to celebrate the holiday now! Leads visitors from the rendering the atmosphere, then people do not want the middle of the carnival to the psychological process of dispersed, so that seems very unusual and festive people excited, can not help. From a structural point of view, large _set_s of small levels of hierarchy, nature in harmony, in line with the content of poetry needs, but also the salient points of the poem written.
  This poem is a description of the city of Chang'an Lantern Festival the night. According to the "new language Datang" and "Don two new records in Beijing," it reads: Every year on this evening, Changan town, put lanterns should be large; after three days, night curfew is not usual to see if light is really a sea of people. Xuan Tian wealthy aristocrats traveling, people are singing and laughing, merged into one, overnight is spent in the lively atmosphere.
  Spring has just said that news of the world is not colorful, but the light scattered in the road on both sides, the garden out of the depths of the brilliant glow map, almost as brightly as the flowers. From the "Fireworks" and described, we can imagine, this is how strange and beautiful night! Said, "invites cooperation," because look abroad as one of the reasons. Wang Wei "Zhongnanshan" "white clouds look back together", Meng "over the enemy village" "edge of the village trees together" and "cooperation", intended the same language is in essence measures may be inspired from here. As there fancy pass, so the gates are opened the padlock. Cui liquid "Spring Night" poem saying goes: "jade leak copper kettle defeats the reminder, iron off golden Cheming open." Can be proved with this. Chengguan outside, Beidaihe, where the bridge, referring to Two River on the bridge. The bridge is dark on weekdays, and put on a festive new look today, dotted with numerous light. Dengying shine, Two River looked like a heavenly galaxy, so it took the bridge as the "Star Bridge" the. "Fire Tree", "Silver Flower," "Star Bridge" are written lights, the poet's eye view, the first from here Zhaobi, total intake the whole chapter; the same time, in the "Star Bridge locks open," this sentence tell visitors sheng, Thus, the following is a natural transition to the specific holiday scenery depicted.


【Source】 卷65_3

Created by: 戴玨
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