唐代 邵谒 Shao Ye  唐代  
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Chang'an Cold Food
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ancient official conservatory in the Han ynasty (206B.C.-A.D.220)
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Year-old Feng
Jingu Garden Garden meditate on the past
Spring Thoughts
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ancient style poetry

ancient official conservatory in the Han ynasty (206B.C.-A.D.220)

   Shao Ye

Guqin playing on the wine, the string sound in the New. New sound can not be identified, fingers deeply hidden bitterness.
Concubine Yen is not to protect themselves, such as wheels seasons. Tonight I do not know month, according to when people had.
Ludi Lotus incense, incense sales center will also die. There is no good time to stay, Can Hong Xie water.

【Source】 卷605_13

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