唐代 韩琮 Han Cong  唐代  
Potpourri Songs poplar osier
Singing Sorrowful
Peony 1 to chant Peony Those who did not open
Get off the field in Xingping County Star Stone Displace County Vegetarian
Question Mount Shang Store
red clouds
inscribe Gui feng below Sun Home lintingkou
Late spring Jiang Qing Lodge at friend One for night Chun Do
Starting For The Front
Luo Gu Night looking
Liu and white one for Happy-go-lucky Chao Zhi Liu Yongfeng taken The royal garden When the East is stay behind for garrison or liaison duty
Poplar osier vocable
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Luo Gu Night looking

   Han Cong

Wei Qin Chuan picturesque, such as silk, out of the country is also home when the eye.
Sun-Mo to a good son, Ridge branch spent mostly heartbroken.
  Han Cong out in Hunan when Emperor Xuan Zong observed that, large and medium years (858) is _set_ along the stone, etc. are expelled, then Shiguan, no smell. This poem is its out of position when the return home of the for.
  Luo Valley in Shaanxi weeks southwest Valley for four hundred years, is off in the traffic channel through Hanzhong is a military strategic pass. Hope this late poet, felt the Yin poem.
  This is the edge of King sent Poem. Poetry more scenery such as the rate of the Philippines, the situation mainly to the King from Xing to complex scenery, it is with real eyes, to express the inner feelings for times past, the more prominent the magnificent scenery, the more contrasting mood Sad, read from, see the leading edge.
  "Do not come to good" and "heartbroken sticks" phase of cause and effect. Actually, the "Ridge Flower" and no "heartbroken sticks" because of a heartbroken man, "Ridge Flower" became the only magic "heartbroken sticks." Heartbroken heartbroken people sticks, natural mullite as good.
  (Ma Jun Ye)

【Source】 卷565_20

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