唐代 于頔 Yu Di  唐代  
County, Lying disease Day gifts Buddhist monk
aide Old home
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

County, Lying disease Day gifts Buddhist monk

   Yu Di

Su accompany calligraphy Act, poor depth of Wenge. Elegant flair, the blatant off my word.
Friends of late by parties themselves, a very fine manager Profound exploration. North and South were consistent, I Chan Pak-day public.
Ming-Xing is not dye, so I Ching white line. Suishun that have solutions, so I made Ze.
Xun Yi Qing Addict, Wushan Wang Bi Cen. Appreciation of beads containing compound, the price of heavy double-South gold.
The iridescence Yao Qi Cai, Ya Yin desolate streams. Chu stressed commercial acoustic emission, cutting tone spectrum Yaoqin.
Wushan as I am, Sa deep water for me. Million Christians have as King, Guyun the mood.
Qi silent all wood, chairs Tong Qing ring. Is not all ears hear, bell of a real reward.
Ancient noble exercise, the Su-Huai Yang Su. Jun ice face-to-face position, removal of excessive lag I think.
Chang Yin Liu Yun poetry, Shao Pu long Acacia. Catch this much for the county, Ping Chau grass decline.
Every teacher in the Prince long, the value of my sickly lean. Talk about non-physical, chat with the deed of the heart.


【Source】 卷473_9

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