唐代 王勃 Wang Bo  唐代   (650~675)
in the mountains
Farewell to Vice-prefect Du Setting out for his Official Post in Shu
noticeable, large He i be
Jiang had dinner on the floating words rhyme may address
Yong Feng
ignore Sleepwalk immortal
Autumn Night Long
Lotus song Official conservatory in the han ynasty (206b.c.-a.d.220) work Lotus return
arrive High-profile
Alley South
Quan Yan
Chen degree of dispersion relations
Do Carol H.
again Do Carol H.
Lu sent the main book
Preserves Wei Bing Cao
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

arrive High-profile

   Wang Bo

Pro high-profile, high-Tiao delivery must float Egypt. Cui Wei Yao Xuanqigouhe,
Luen Fung winds and sad songs. Overlooks Chang'an Avenue, Yugou lush grass.
Ramp on Oasis Road, gray Maoling tree. With high-profile look abroad,
Misty Dixiang good qi. Fun House Dan House, shining purple, bi-phase exquisite room Kam Hall.
East Mi Long optimistic, the West refers to Weiyang Palace. Akagi reflect the Asahi, tree shaking spring.
Flag Pavilion to open new markets per tunnel, Hill Classic in thousands of Qi Meng points. Zhu round Cuigai numerous spring
Ying Tse layer from the stack relative. A brothel Road Complex, carved windows embroidered household Chi cage culture.
Sheets at night, do not fold, Luo day curtain is not empty. Tsui Ping North Korea cover songs, night makeup mirror glimpse of red.
To Junan Po bun, Crescent stop flowers. Narrow road between the dark dust to dusk,
Among the clouds, moonlight as bright as a factor. Ikegami ducks fly in pairs, both of Phoenix degrees downstairs.
Looking for is this, that regardless of wedding day. Sheng bustling hub of silver embroidered saddle,
Poor places tonight prostitution house. Prostitutes do not need to frown young woman home, East Park, Chun Tao Li films.
Look at the old high-Jun, Bai Liang Dongjak Health yellow dust.

【Source】 卷55_11

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