唐代 徐安贞 Xu Anzhen  唐代  
Lu sent to Buque Huashan Mountain to record one's achievements by engraving them on a stone tablet (for posterity)
Send Danyang cover
Xiangyang Figure title
order Check begum lament
Feng and Snow Hi write poem according to the emperor's order
famous Neighbour Li Zheng
Feng and Saint-system Po-chun off early degrees
Feng and Saint-system A Two phase Chuqueshugu
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Feng and Saint-system A Two phase Chuqueshugu

   Xu Anzhen

Chen first joined the two dream Inspected on February Hu. Still in the cold northern stream, half spring Shannan pass.
Song Sheng first Feng Yu, Chen-like complex back days. Yun Yat Ming, Trinidad, flags according to a River.
Liu Yin low chariot road, the grass at the mere mention of new fields. Also look near Fenyang, Chen Yu from subterranean natural.


【Source】 卷124_11

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