唐代 刘庭琦 Liu Tingqi  唐代  
Feng and Saint-system Timely snow book
chant Hibiscus Wujin tree problem Civilisation Government Office
Dongjak Taiwan
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ancient style poetry

Feng and Saint-system Timely snow book

   Liu Tingqi

Capital Pavilion snow Xiao Pei Hui, according to the snow layer Court re-opened the door. Convicting Yao Qu nine floating Egypt to do,
Zhi silk products to thousands of improperly handled. Where non-species Yu Tanaka, someone's yard is not raw plum.
King buried in clouds have come and also because of the wind blowing from the floor. Fei Bao, had one room,
Into the Golden Temple in Mandarin. Beautiful smile that wandered Rong Zhi Yan Yat-phase light bucket.
Luo Yi lit pistachio is spent, the hand kneading to semi water. Olympus have any of the example,
Yi-Yang Park, Washington in early February. Female classmate high Qiushan shame, like lighting the night B King book.
Fu Sheng Shou Gu She mountains, down Que Lotus cars of God. Ze Rui'm glad to stream unlimited
Long reported that the harvest you have to spare.

【Source】 卷110_14

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