唐代 苏颋 Su Ting  唐代  
Suburban Lyrics Ji fen yin movement Life and
Potpourri Songs long lovesickness
Feng and Saint-system via line plays Cheng Gao The teacher of teachers Jiande of capture One's impression about something Becomes poetry write poem according to the emperor's order
Feng and Saint-system Teng puzhou happy building write poem according to the emperor's order
Feng and System over Jinyang Palace St. write poem according to the emperor's order
and Du main book Spring have one's thoughts
Jianyingzhouli honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
Jiantangzhougao honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China go to take one's post
Three Springs that night made things
Small garden garden Enjoy the cool in the open air That is something
Kunming cistern Wang Yan sit Answer Department of war in feudal china Xunsanyunxian show
Feng and Saint-system Chun tai wang write poem according to the emperor's order
long lovesickness
Shu city cry Taizhou Le Ann shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
Establish spring Dinner in a paternity Cut the ribbon flower write poem according to the emperor's order
Spring Lotus rong garden Shi Yan write poem according to the emperor's order
Feng and System of man-days Ching Fai House St Feast ministers Case of snow write poem according to the emperor's order
Feng and the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar xinglinweiting Ascend Write poem according to the emperor's order To be in luck word
swim Ban townhouse Xinglinweiting Case of snow write poem according to the emperor's order
Multiple poems at a time
Five-character quatrains

Fen on Jing-Qiu

   Su Ting

North wind clouds, thousands of miles to cross the river Fen.
Shake off every mood, Autumn Sound inaudible.
  North wind rolled white clouds,
  I want to spend thousands of miles away Fen place.
  Has stimulated the melancholy mood sad shake off the withered grass,
  Never want to hear the bleak autumn.
  (1) Fen on: fenshui on. Fenshui tributary of the Yellow River the second.
  (2) shake down: the leaves die.
  Marked in accordance with the subject, which is probably the first five unique poems in Fenshui on the advent of autumn alerted to express Suimu like the feeling when you step. The content of the poem seems that the case. In fact, it has Xing, something of great significance, is a distinctive improvisation Ode to History.
  Fenshui Shanxi Province in this. This poem called "Fen" means a section of the Yellow River flows fenshui. The river, Fen coast, is the Han, Tang Dong-gun. One Fen Yin Dong-gun County (now South Shanxi Wanrong). Emperor Yuan Ding four years (before 113) in summer, alchemist Memorial on good fortune, by the Yellow Emperor in the Fen Yin dig Baoding cast. Emperor was overjoyed, personally came the fall Fen Yin, worship God Houtu soil, but also, and the ministers in the boat banquets poetry, for "Autumn speech."
  Emperor Kaiyuan period of ambitious, a great step to recover the meaning of the Han Dynasty. Ten year of Kaiyuan (723) in February, Fen Yin reign came to worship soil behind and ordered the county was renamed Fen Yin to Baoding. Su Ting rites for the time being in office, when driving from festival to participate in this ritual. Su Ting Ren Zhongshu filling positions in the long-term, very high regard by the reign. Probably Houtu from driving after worship, suddenly been removed from the court, the Shu Jing, Ren Yizhou large Dudufu Eliot, to the Kaiyuan and transferred back to Chang'an thirteen years before. Putting two years of his life the most sense to fulfill official time frustrated that the two poems may be made in the autumn.
  Understand the background to more easily understand this effectively the complexity inherent in poetic mood, you can also understand why the poet to take such falsehoods, ambiguous, it seems clear the dark, condemned racism and injustice and intended to approach the performance of the pharynx. Obviously of the former two with the "Autumn speech," the poetic, the first sentence that "the autumn wind Xi Bai Yunfei", sub-sentence as the "pan-Xi Ji Fen House Boat", which generally implies that the year to the Fen Yin Han Festival History Houtu past, but also very difficult to think of the Emperor as Emperor For effective. Both are much alike, history seems to repeat itself, what it means, and what inspiration, the poet and not to point out, leaving the reader self-care. However, they point out the subject of a "shock", which shows the poet's mind is affected by the shock. Is it because of personal experiences and was shocked it? On the literal meaning, it seems a bit like a Scenery from the situation. He fenshui been north winds, so that he awoke to a chill autumn arrives; and he was now in life are most frustrated situation, the laissez-faire provinces of Beijing, just as this little white clouds while the north wind blowing him all the way , came to this fenshui on. This is in line with subject marked "Fen on the Jing-Qiu." Therefore, the first two implications are complex. Overall, in the Scenery from Xing in the history of association and to express the emotion, hidden in the concerned countries is intertwined with personal frustration in my sorrow. Can be described as mixed feelings, melancholy chaos.
  In practice, this means the performance of poetry and lyrical characteristics, are relatively close to Ruan Ji's "Ode Poem." The image of the reader from its lyric poets in the sense sustenance, there are concerns, there are sentimental; but exactly why it is difficult to exactly sure. He used this tactic, probably by long experience with the conduct of public affairs, familiar with the history of knowledge, aware of the Han and Tang dynasties of the two Prime certain similarity between the emperor, as if some kind of revelation by history, feel a certain faint concerns, however, not clear he said, had no alternative, it can only write this feeling and emotions. And precisely this point, but it constitutes a unique artistic features: the image to that, let the reader to ignore.
  (Ni his heart)


【Source】 卷74_34

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