Shao Kai Chung in sequence, beginning guitar harmonics really good time. Zhao Zi and in sections, where heaven and earth celebrate spring. Huan intoxicated with the ruling and opposition parties, students are de district buildings. Sprinkle cream Yunkai Lu, Shu Fang Kawazu grass. Yang Hua-year-old _set_ out today, the East side for Stanford ground. Ashamed to sing non-Xun Feng, Camps comfort I used. To the Yoga of Constant, Paul, and hereby income people. Cheng Fu Zhu Xia push, and the thing for spring. Chung scenery warm months, the new Forbidden City syphilis. When playing co-Fang Jin, Ciyan with the ministers. Classical Music Qi Yun Le, but the pro-Zhong Xian. Shu contact the Italian government and the public, open natural world are. Liao Yi on the court early, bow of the ground Ih. This million machine when leisure, and fitness and holiday. Jie Qu cold pool, Fang Ju Shu Jinying. Universe Shuangqi full, _set_s clear Autumn Hall. Qing ruling and opposition parties in abundance, the high will be more cheers. Yong-Huai no shortage of warning, and Alpha with the Sri Lanka situation. Su Yu Ji frost, sky clouds clear day. Fan Lin has been falling leaves, the cold still Shu Ju Rong. Yi this Autumn Festival, also extended appreciation to recover the situation. Pool table columns wide feast, string and wind pass a new sound. To the music of non-foreign awards, jia huan with the Prudential. Shu London government and Italy, never to weathering clear. 牧守寄所重,才贤生为时。宣风自淮甸,授钺膺藩维。 入觐展遐恋,临轩慰来思。忠诚在方寸,感激陈情词。 报国尔所向,恤人予是资。欢宴不尽怀,车马当还期。 谷雨将应候,行春犹未迟。勿以千里遥,而云无己知。 Qin Cheng Shengxu worry, when Kang Kai Tai hi. Christine had clinical group, the Royal glorious hanging clothes. Spring Service leisure to evening, toward the stop date still long. Purple Palace banquet out early, Tong Zhang Guang-Le Court. Successful return Fubi, Chih Lee Lai Zhongliang. Of this joyous thing, Chiaki music Weiyang. 献岁视元朔,万方咸在庭。端旒揖群后,回辇阅师贞。 彩仗宿华殿,退朝归禁营。分行左右出,转旆风云生。 历历趋复道,容容映层城。勇馀矜捷技,令肃无喧声。 眷此戎旅节,载嘉良士诚。顺时倾宴赏,亦以助文经。 Dongfeng change Mei Liu, Department of Health and spring million. Order and discipline in the month, a long side and the world. I still indulge Le Qi, Yi-time Jingliang hereby. Sui Shu Ting Yu En, with the letter Huan Hai Kang. Monarch Yong Zhong Shi, Jiao Tai Fu yin and yang. New Bi Qu marsh water, a little peach Fang Hua Lin. Award winning multi-faith joy, beware of no shortage. Lantern Festival had, is late spring when Fang. Flow feast like Lanting, holding the sword get Jin. Fine, the beginning of the green water, sunny days spent update. Astronomy letter Zhao Hui, Wong said quite deposited Chen. Christine had each from the thrift, fidelity often a pure heart. Yu Yan hereby quit music, the book to show the ministers. 爽节在重九,物华新雨馀。清秋黄叶下,菊散金潭初。 万实行就稔,百工欣所如。欢心畅遐迩,殊俗同车书。 至化自敦睦,佳辰宜宴胥。锵锵间丝竹,济济罗簪裾。 此乐匪足耽,此诚期永孚。 Ling Jie Xiao Cheng Ji, suburbs Yanai empty. Days of the Qing Bailu Jie, Ju bulk gold cluster. Dehe few days Kuang, clockwise off hundreds of hands. Song Huai-Zhong Qi Yue, think the same for the monarch and his subjects. To the Pavilion of education, information is always complementary to each other. Qu Yong Kang unknown, but in the Yang-Feng. 爽气肃时令,早衣闻朔鸿。重阳有佳节,具物欣年丰。 皎洁暮潭色,芬敷新菊丛。芳尊满衢室,繁吹凝烟空。 惠合信吾道,保和惟尔同。推诚至玄化,天下期为公。 Dr. Wong mentioned near Yap, complex road with heavy city. Law will be early autumn feast, made driving to visit Zen shut. Chang Wen Tai Sin education, clean were no students. Seven things I treasure bandits, million lines of the first hope for success. Two-phase both were quiet, prosperous Xisuo Rong. Fan Wei Liang Jin, Yuan Jing Cui Yan Ning. Pine Court static coating color, the bamboo room deep chime sound. Habitat You really consider tim, Road wins foreign object light. Intended to apply the non-said situation with re-cent air. 芳岁肇佳节,物华当仲春。乾坤既昭泰,烟景含氤氲。 德浅荷玄贶,乐成思治人。前庭列钟鼓,广殿延群臣。 八卦随舞意,五音转曲新。顾非咸池奏,庶协南风熏。 式宴礼所重,浃欢情必均。同和谅在兹,万国希可亲。 禁苑秋来爽气多,昆明风动起沧波。 中流箫鼓诚堪赏,讵假横汾发棹歌。 |