辽国 赵秉文 Zhao Bingwen  辽国   (1159~1232)
Green Myolie
Great river east With Su Baas charm
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Great river east With Su Baas charm

   Zhao Bingwen

Autumn one, ask Gui gray shadow, in which what things?
Leaf boat wave hills, and look around sticky days without walls.
Call-oar long songs, like Chang, the Wanli snow play.
Qian Zhang Jing dust may be content to this outstanding personality?
Looking back side of the Red Cliff Angeles, riding whales were to go, several times Shanhua hair.
Dan Dan Heritage sky dream, only Guihong winking.
I want from the public, wind and go back, loose the unicorn hair.
On the three mountains, Yu Xiao blown off the moon!
  Su Shi's famous words in bold. His eternal masterpieces "Nian Nujiao the" very sharp words pen, depicting Jiang Tao, very magnificent. Huangzhou his exile (now Huanggang), yellow chow night outside the Red Cliff (that is also the nose Angeles) after written. The word is gold Chaozhu terms of people Zhaobing Wen, Su Shi's words have deep impact on him, he is also very King Mu Su Shi. Poem is Zhaobing Wen Su Shi "Niannu Jiao. Remembering Dongpo "and rhyme for.
  "River" or "Niannu Jiao", originated from the Red Cliff Sushi word "Nian Nujiao. Remembering Dongpo "in the" River "sentence:" rhyme with Su Shi's "Red Cliff Sushi is the use of the word's original rhyme. Su lyrics, and more hidden, including previous work, poem is also a kind of work, it implicitly includes predecessors (especially Sushi) to make, every word can be said to have a known source. Loading, mainly from "Red Cliff" turn to, the films were shown of the use of Mu "Teng Yue Youyuan," a poem, etc., expressing words of Su Shi was Exile on Huangzhou fortune deep sympathy with the grievances, but by the ancient saying this, but also demonstrated his concern for the fate of, but unable to save the nation from peril, and thus was born the negative thoughts.
  Loading months from sentence to ask. Ancient poetry to "ask the month," started to write to Su Shi, there is the "Prelude to Water," "comparative study? Wine Q Qing Tian," the eternal farewell. Ask the month of the word, though terms of use of the Soviet Union, but also new. He asked the month, point to understand the lyrics of the time: late autumn moonlight night, (the year the Red Cliff Sushi visit is just too cool autumn night.) First sentence in the "hanging shadow" means that the moon, but with "gray" to describe, coupled with the chill of the "Autumn" to contrast, suddenly, a desolate, noble, vivid and colorful sense of chill. Then, quite true, by the month and people, these circumstances, not help people do not think the Red Cliff year rollercoaster night of Su.
  "Call-oar length songs, Chang'e want, the Miles play ice" are all of Su Shi's "Red Cliff" semantic Adapting, although only a few words, but then Sushi night Chibi scenario is best view of the reader eyes, really in the flat Department Jiangong Li. "A little dust in Beijing, can be described as the outstanding personality?" Although the questions, but expressed the words of deep emotion. "Enjoy the dust" refers to that time could not be more complex and bureaucratic, "outstanding personality" refers to Su, (the words of Su Shi Zhao Bingwen has been praised as a "male section of Myron, high gas matchless," "out of Lin Feng.") These two lines from the four technique point of view, not only by the scenery into a lyrical, also played a role in connecting link. Showings this sentence "outstanding personality" shall not be tolerated, "lead to" people to ride a whale "by Su Shi had a rough life on the fate of deep sympathy and indignation, into the self-express sadness." Riding whales were the "means Tang Li Bai Here, by means of Su Shi, "several times Shanhua fat" after the death of Su Shi wrote the passage of time, can not help but marvel to read, filled with emotion. "Dan Dan Heritage sky dream, only Guihong tomorrow," of the use of Mu "landing music Tour thick "" Dan Dan sky solitary birds _set_, million to herein Shen sound off "period, revealing the wounds of this Diaogu, negative and pessimistic attitude towards life." I would like from the public, "three is a more decisive and semantics, with the desire Sushi cents to negative thoughts born more shows. but hard to find cents off, and only focussed on the Yuxiao fills it with the "three mountains security in the" end of the sentence. Thanks for the Memories, grief, helplessness meaning linger without a break.
  Although the words and rhyme to make, but of the lyric by King, by this ancient wounds, and Su Shi "Nian Nujiao" compared to the sublime, but also do some atmosphere and mood, got special difficult.

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