现代中国 洛夫 Lo Fu  现代中国   (1928~2018)
Jin long Temple
Midnight Pear cut
Smoke off
Rough On the Eve
The window
riverside Muyuan Garden
pick one's teeth, ie use a small pointed piece of wood, etc to remove particles of food from one's teeth
Li Bai legend
Everlasting Regret
The Death in a Stone Cave
Public Charge storm
blooded reimpression
Foam off
AND Li he hobnob
big Glacier
the first snow
ash off
Rain across The forty-eighth year in a cycle of sixty years tunnel
bianjiewang Township
Multiple poems at a time
Modern Poetry

Boulder Of change

   Lo Fu

Iron thump born epigram
In my metal body
Hang-yin and Wong, no recognition of the treble
Over the cliff
Launched into an amazing star
Years of cold and heat
Never allow any solidified into the habitat of eagles
Forehead. Vast wasteland
I have eaten a large sky
So sure
The fire continued to burn at the bottom, I is the fire
But the wind in the external declaration: my face
Formed by the snow and ice
I'm outside
No one can contribute to water and fire in Marriage
This hesitation
When the parched grass snake such as a spring up from the foot of the
Do you hear
Sound of water boiling my hands
I stroked his naked
And stared looking at the
Broken skin to pieces in the wind raised
Night, the moon is the only operation
That mountain is covered with rolling stones
Is it me? Holding my hand is a flower?
Long time not been a move
A move would occupy all of the peak position
You are from me, I come from the dust
Maybe too high and cold and silent
Resting on the ladder you just want to confirm my head
There has long been nothing
In addition to injuries
Suddenly, such as eye open
I am a rock, I'm burning their own fun
Often the case of the so-called asceticism
Often take the smoke away and other Phoenix
Weathered face was peeling off layers of
You say absolutely
I chose to be
No doubt you say
I chose the unknown
I refute you compete
Afraid to chisel edged flutter
This is not to end up
Do you have thousands of high-handed I have thousands of cold
Fruit sweet will die of it?
Shu Fang uphold the petals, and for a variety of ambiguous smile
Falcon hanging on the cliff top
Fukasawa from the wind
Deer chasing the sun_set_
Mountains into the vast hidden
I still sit
Create their own power in
Lightning, is the great metaphor of death
I began to wake up in the explosion and began alerted
Not even a thing that I meet
I have to re-integrate into all things
Eternal sky, I metaphysical to latent
Once love affair, I metaphysical stirs
Child for a long time to fire the body shape
I am afflicted in the blood of a painful transformation
I reached out my arms
The air lock into the white
After all, the stone is a piece of chilled
I got lost in all the turmoil, the collapse of Ran Hong Hong
I got lost in the myth of the hand, brought to the top and then rolled down
Was smashed to the initial powder

Created by: 杯中冲浪
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