曹魏 曹操 Cao Cao  曹魏   (155~220)
brief a style of old Chinese poems first or firstly
to look at deep blue sea
Although turtle life
The bitter cold lines
Gas out songs 3
consideration fortress and mountains
Of wine
Xie Lu-line
Artemisia in line
brief a style of old Chinese poems Second,
Praise bank 3
But East Simon Line
Dong escape libretto
dyke to go up to the north
Mo Shang Sang
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

The bitter cold lines

   Cao Cao

North Taihang Mountains, where towering storm Kazuya!
Osaka's long and gut, wheel worth destroying.
He blows the trees! North wind is sad.
Bear roots of my squat, Haw Par folders Road sing.
Fewer people in the valley, where snow started falling!
Long neck extended sigh, travels more than arms.
Yu Ho anger my heart? Siyu Yidong return.
Depth of the bridge must, Road is hovering.
Confused lost it way, no places dusk habitat.
Trekking day is far away, men at the same time hunger.
Bear bag line to take pay, ice ax held for Mi.
He Dongshan sad poems, long makes me sad.
Created by: 莹雪
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